No oil regimen on air dried hair?

Luscious Locks

New Member
I've been researching different regimens and hair theories. Currently I've been speaking with stylists about the hair's optimum moisture levels and how to maintain them. Most of the stylist's in my salon told me that serums are very good for the hair. Their reasoning was that you can not possibly overdose on cones so long as your wash with a gentle sulfate shampoo. It is possible to over saturate your tresses with oil to the point that it becomes gummy and you can over use protein to the point that hair becomes hard, but silicone serums, if applied when hair is wet, work with your hairs optimum moisture level. all of the moisture your hair doesn't need with evaporate out.

I THINK! :spinning: Does any one agree or disagree?
I think it varies...every head is different. Some people say that cones act as a barrier over the hair which prevents moisture from getting in, thus products (moisturizers in this case) just sit "on the hair" instead of permeating the shaft. This is why some people (like myself) experience dryness from using commercial serums (which are loaded with cones). Using cones on a regular basis can also add to buildup (in my humble opinion, and experience) which a lot of gentle shampoo's can't get rid of...buildup can lead to dull hair, when hair is dull, most people tend to grab the clarifying shampoo....which can also strip the hair of it's sebum. So when you reach for that serum the very next day, it is perpetuating the problem, it's back to build up, clarifying etc....Again, all heads are different, this was just what I experienced...if you like sheen, and slip that cones give you (because to my knowledge they provide no nutrients whatsoever...ladies please correct me if I am wrong) why don't you try using Fractionated Coconut instead. It has the "siliconey" (is that even a word? LOL) feeling, and offers ton of slip when used in conjunction with your normal condish or moisturizer. You can also use it as an after press/relaxer polisher.