No oil AT ALL?


New Member
Is it possible for your hair to not need or like any kind of oil at any time? I'm transitiong out of relaxers, and my hair seems to respond to the no-oil routine, except when I did some searches here, I read about hot oil treatments prior to wash/shampoo....

Just today, I used a jojoba oil, glycerin, and distilled water spritz mix on my edges (along with some Fantasia IC gel) to smooth them down (I put a scarf on for the 20-minute drive to church). Those edges scrunched up kinda fast (it was a bit humid this morning)

But when I use my Giovanni Direct leave-in conditioner, glycerin, distilled water, aloe vera gel (a little bit) and peppermint oil mix (spray) under the gel and then tie it down for a time, the edges lay down really nice....

I was just curious to know if it is necessary to use oil at all. Whether my hair is wet or dry or damp, putting oil on it is like BLLLEECCHHHH!!!!

Thanks in advance for your responses.
RelaxerRehab said:
Is it possible for your hair to not need or like any kind of oil at any time? I'm transitiong out of relaxers, and my hair seems to respond to the no-oil routine, except when I did some searches here, I read about hot oil treatments prior to wash/shampoo....

Just today, I used a jojoba oil, glycerin, and distilled water spritz mix on my edges (along with some Fantasia IC gel) to smooth them down (I put a scarf on for the 20-minute drive to church). Those edges scrunched up kinda fast (it was a bit humid this morning)

But when I use my Giovanni Direct leave-in conditioner, glycerin, distilled water, aloe vera gel (a little bit) and peppermint oil mix (spray) under the gel and then tie it down for a time, the edges lay down really nice....

I was just curious to know if it is necessary to use oil at all. Whether my hair is wet or dry or damp, putting oil on it is like BLLLEECCHHHH!!!!

Thanks in advance for your responses.

I say if your hair responds well to no oil, then go for it. Oils main purpose is to act as a lubricant, to help seal in moisture, and certain oils have a lot of vitamins and nutrients beneficial for the hair. Oil is NOT a requirement but rather a preference. As long as you are keeping your hair well moisturized and conditioned through your prefered hair care practices and your hair isn't giving you any problems, then I don't see anything wrong with not using oil.
You can definitely go without oil. I never used oil before I discovered LHCF. I LIKE using natural oils now that I've been introduced to them, but I wouldn't say that they are a necessary part of my hair maintenence.
You should also keep in mind that your hair will react differently to different oils, whether they be used alone or in a mixture with other stuff. Meaning the crunchy hair may have been the result of the jojoba oil being mixed with the specific ingredients you had in the spray, or with whatever had already been used on your hair that day, rather than your hair just not liking jojoba at all. Or it really may be the case that jojoba is not for you. It's up to you whether or not you want to experiment to find out.

I know my hair really doesn't take well to EVOO, even though it's one of the standards that is known to be good for hair. Makes me shed and makes my hair feel rough. I tried it a couple of different ways, but after no success I just called it quits. Jojoba and coconut oils work well for me though. Oh, and you should also know that not all brands are of the same quality so that may affect your results as well.
My hair does not like oil at all. I use Queen Helen hot oil but that's not real oil. Any kind of oil in my hair leaves my hair tangled, dry, crispy a heavily weighed down.
I can't even use a moisturizer with oil in it. Olive oil is the absolute worst thing I could put into my hair. I might as well be putting toxic waste on my hair.