No New Products Challenge



Here's the details:
Aren't you tired of constantly purchasing products based on hearsay? Tired of using your credit card for online hair purchases, especially when you have products galore in your cabinets, under sinks, in the closets that you have not used all up yet? Do you have products that work for your hair,but are constantly on the search for yet that 'better' product? Wanna save mula? Well this challenge is for you!! I have a great online hair buddy that has a motto: "Only purchase hair products when the one's you have are almost gone/completely gone." Make sense to me, how bout you ladies? On to the requirements for participation:

1. Use all the products you have that are beneficial to your hair.
2. No online product purchasing!!
3. Get creative- make your own products with fruit, cooking oils (olive, coconut, grapeseed), etc. Cheaper and you will be amazed at your creative skillz.

Who's with me????
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Here's the details:
Aren't you tired of constantly purchasing products based on hearsay? Tired of using your credit card for online hair purchases, especially when you have products galore in your cabinets, under sinks, in the closets that you have not used all up yet? Do you have products that work for your hair,but are constantly on the search for yet that 'better' product? Wanna save mula? Well this challenge is for you!! I have a great online hair buddy that has a motto: "Only purchase hair products when the one's you have are almost gone/completely gone." Make sense to me, how bout you ladies? On to the requirements for participation:

1. Use all the products you have that are beneficial to your hair.
2. No online product purchasing!!
3. Get creative- make your own products with fruit, cooking oils (olive, coconut, grapeseed), etc. Cheaper and you will be amazed at your creative skillz.

Who's with me????

not me.....
but do you mean we can shop online for stuff we knows works for us or nothing period ?
I need to be on this challenge. My broke behind has no need for buying new things. I really have to learn what my hair likes in this new state. So count me in.
Aww CharUK!! Girl, you should have participated in the Christmas giveaway chain that I started last month!! This member here HOOKED ME UP with DDTA!! That's some good stuff!!
I'm in! I just won't be doing #3, because I'm not into the homemade hair stuff. Other than that, I will follow the requirements for this challenge.
Good luck to you all on this challenge. I likes myself some new stuff. I get all giddy when I buy/try something for the first time. I guess I have the PJ gene and I LOVE IT!
Chinagem said:
Good luck to you all on this challenge. I likes myself some new stuff. I get all giddy when I buy/try something for the first time. I guess I have the PJ gene and I LOVE IT!
ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in - I have waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many hair products - over 18 dominican conditioners, 5 leave-ins, etc. The madness must stop. Bought VO5 Honey & Almond today on sale at Target. I'ma do this with one small modification - when I run out of shampoo, I must repurchase one and only one - this won't be necessary anytime soon however.
I'm in! I really must use what I have. I decided Dec 2003 to use most of the products in 2004 and guess what? I didn't use any of them BUT I did manage to add to them...sigh. I'm DEFINITELY in!
Count me in as well...I have too many porducts! I will not be concocting any at home mixtures, but I will use the products that I have purchased. I will only replace staple products that run out, but no trying anything new until I've either used up all my current products or given them away.

Good thing I just bought some new products to try the other day!

The PJ in me will be tempted to buy, but I can do this!
Count me in I have too many products I can shop in my own bathroom.
I bought a lot of salon products on sale last year.
I have way to many products. I have 3 carts, that cabinents over my fridge are full, and I have a cabinent in my bathroom that is full and then I have some more on the bottom of my closet and to top it all off I have a basket full of hair. So no more for me- NOT EVEN STAPLES- count me IN!
I am in too. I gave away most of my products in Dec, so I could start the new year fresh.
My only hair care products for 2005 are:
elucence moisture benefits poo
elucence moisture balancing conditioner
aphogee essential fatty acids oil concentrate
elasta qp mango butter
elucence serious shining spray

protein boosters:
nature's gate jojoba & keratin shampoo
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I'm in, too!!!! (Unless, of course, MNT comes out with any new products. Then, I'll be forced to buy them by powers waaaayyyyyy beyond my control!:))
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Here's the details:
Aren't you tired of constantly purchasing products based on hearsay? Tired of using your credit card for online hair purchases, especially when you have products galore in your cabinets, under sinks, in the closets that you have not used all up yet? Do you have products that work for your hair,but are constantly on the search for yet that 'better' product? Wanna save mula? Well this challenge is for you!! I have a great online hair buddy that has a motto: "Only purchase hair products when the one's you have are almost gone/completely gone." Make sense to me, how bout you ladies? On to the requirements for participation:

1. Use all the products you have that are beneficial to your hair.
2. No online product purchasing!!
3. Get creative- make your own products with fruit, cooking oils (olive, coconut, grapeseed), etc. Cheaper and you will be amazed at your creative skillz.

Who's with me????
I'm a newbie here and this is my first post. I have just started my hair journey and im tired of buying products and having to get rid of them. Count me in!
I am in I need a cure for my product junky disease. One other thing I wont be buying them for others either. I probably won't have to buy nothing for years to come but I have one last thing I want to try and that the NTM leave-in thats it, thats it, thats it.
As much as it will torture me to have to give up my full time PJ'ism.....
YES, I will join the challenge! I'm going to use up all my products and get back to making my own.

I saw a lot of salon product on sale today and I did not stop to check it out thats a first for me.
Wow..this is harder than I thought. I went into a drugstore yesterday to mail a letter for my mom and WHY OH WHY did I have to go through the hair product aisle? There was no need for that. At least I kept
I'm in, but with one twist, I'm only buying replacements once I run out of my staple products, hence, if I run out of Surge, I'll buy more Surge..
I'm I had to place my order for MyHoneyChild before I could commit to no new products. :sekret: Now, I'm committed to not trying anything else new. :D
My butt need to save.....I have tons of products I am trying to finish....So no purchase for me until the last drop...But I can not do 3 as well....Knowing me I would make something that scares my hair.
oglorious1 said:
I'm in, but with one twist, I'm only buying replacements once I run out of my staple products, hence, if I run out of Surge, I'll buy more Surge..

Did I cheat when I bought the following:

Sta Sof Fro
both of these were running low, since I got my hair redone today

and I bought the following oils from nature's wild child

Virgin Oil de Coco

I was running low on oil, but bought these new oils to try...
Oglorious1- No sweetie, you did not cheat. As long as you aren't buying products just to be buying them, with products that are expiring in your cabinet that you can still use, you did not cheat. Products that are good to your hair can be bought, only if you are running low for this challenge.

Okay- update. I decided to give my #3 a try. I made Shealoe butter (my version is Shealoe-loe butta) a week ago and I made Avocado butter (my version, Sheavocodo butta). See my album. I will definitely be using these products on a regular now!!
I bought some good day hair pins but I don't feel bad because they were 99 cents and it is buy them now or order online later, since Sallys isn't carrying them anymore. I'm extending my no new products challenge into skin care too. I ran out of cocoa butter last week and spiked my vaseline with the Surge hot oil treatment as well as some skin media vitamin C serum and wheat germ oil. My skin feels heavenly!