No More Rejection


Well-Known Member
I've been going through it lately and I couldn't put my hand on the root cause. Until I saw this video and realized I still had a stronghold of rejection. This video truly was a blessing to me and it released me from the bondage I was bound to. I feel like satan had me knocked down. But, I'm ready to get up and fight!

I thought I'd share the video.

From the video:
The three most important things you need to know?
1. You have a Heavenly Father who loves you.

No matter what you do or what you say. Your father and mother may get mad. They may kick you out of the house. Your boyfriend will only like you if you do certain things with him. Your Heavenly Father may be disappointed or hurt by you at times, but He will never stop loving you. He is always by your side. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He's got your back. You've got to know that.

I don't care what you have been through, what you have seen, what you done...He loves you. You have to get that from the word of God into your mind and then from your mind into your heart. You have heard that. How many times have you heard, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Get it from the Bible to your heart!

You are His Son & Daughter.

You are not His niece, nephew, or neighbor. You are His son & daughter. You have to get that revelation. Once you receive Jesus into your heart, He automatically is your Heavenly Father. He created you with a purpose & destiny. You are here for a reason. You are not just here because your father and mother loved each other so much. You are here because God created you before the foundations of the world. He created you with a purpose and reason to be alive because you are going to change nations and change lives. You have to know that.

You have a right to inheritance. Did you hear what I said? Everything that my Father has is mine. Everything that Jesus did I can do because we have the same Father. That doesn't mean I am equal to Christ, He is still the Savior. But it means that everything He has I can have. I can heal the sick, I can raise the dead, I can cast out demons!

God loves you no matter what

No matter what you do or say, no matter how far you go. Don't say, "You don't know what I've done." Paul said he was the worse. He killed Christians. He did everything. But he said even though I was the worst person and I did the worst things, Christ still died for me and loved me. Christ still showed up in Paul's life and look what the man of God became; an incredible Apostle who wrote most of the New Testament. That means there is hope for you and me.
Rejection is the bad fruit of the focus on self. Self (the old man) has to die in order for your spirit to transcend it.