No more lurking. Yay! (Long)


New Member
I've been lurking these forums for over a year now, and I have finally gotten to subscribe. LHCF has helped me a lot with my hair care routine. Even though I've read the forum for awhile now, I just now (around two weeks ago) started to wash my hair daily with moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. It's helped a lot! I have a lot less breakage/shedding (I can't tell the difference), and dryness.

I have a few questions that I've wanted to ask the board for awhile now. I'm fifteen, and I got my first relaxer last year sometime using Phyto. The sylist couldn't relax it as well as he wanted to, because I had put some type of product in my hair a few days before. He got it really straight using heat, but when I washed it it looked more texturized more than anything. Now that's it's been awhile I can barely tell that it's been relaxed, lol.

I'm going back to get a touch up soon. My hair is a few inches above BSL, and I've got around an inch of new growth unstretched. I'm wondering if it's okay if he goes over the old hair too, or will that break it off? I'm really afraid of that.

I want to make the hair bone-straight or close to it, because I am afraid of heat and don't want to use it, ever. I also like to go out in the rain, and I don't want to worry about my hair reverting. I don't know if this is a good idea, though. :lol: I want to grow my hair to waist-length eventually, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have long, healthy, bone-straight (or at least straight enough so I won't have to straigten it with heat.) Do you guys think that this is a good idea?

Thanks for reading all of this.

- Arielle
I would recommend going to someone that really specializes in chemical applications, what you want done is called a corrective relaxer, and yes, you can have the portions relaxed that didn't get smooth enough, but it has to properly done, after receiving that make sure the person that relaxes you giive you a reconstructer after the chemical service but b4 the initial neutralizing shampoo, , you will have to consult many stylist and ask plenty of questions b4 just going to anyone., perhaps someone here can recommend someone in the area. Hope this helps.
Welcome Newbie!! First off let me say congrats on all the success you've been having! I personally think that maybe you should stick with the texturized look because you have more options (I'm biased) straight or curly etc. But I understand that if you desire straight hair then that's what you want. You shouldn't really thrive for 'bone straight' hair because it eventually cause lot's of hair drama. You can ask your stylist to straighten your hair but leave some body to it so that it can hold up better in the long run, esp. if you straighten it etc.
to LHCF, CaptainSyrup!

I know that some people have had corrective relaxers done, successfully. So, it's possible! Also, I relax my hair b/c I prefer the straight look on myself and don't like using heat and are all thumbs when it comes to doing a rolllerset or wrap. :lol: Although, I leave the relaxer on my hair for a short period of time, it makes my hair straight. BTW, it's healthy and a couple of inches beyond my waist. There are other members here who have healthy, relaxed hair that is waist length and longer, too. So, that can be obtained and maintained. :yep:
Thank you for the welcomes. ^__^ I only have two posts, and I already feel really welcomed here!

The name is from Wario World.

I live in Toledo, Ohio, but I got my relaxer done in Columbus at Chez D'or. (or something like that.) If anybody knows of a good stylist in my area or anywhere near me, let me know. Thanks.

I like hearing about people who have grown long, healthy hair. =D That, and I just like hair. A little too much, if you ask around.
Welcome CaptainSyrup, I'm sure the ladies here can very informative and helpful while your on your hair journey. Also, I don't know why that stylist told you it was something you put in your hair prior that kept it from getting straight as you wanted because as far as i've heard Phyto doesn't get the hair bone straight or anywhere close to it, maybe someone can post the phyto thread so you can read all about it. I think you can achieve straight styles just by rollersetting. HHG :)
He said it was because I hadn't washed it out. Would, say, 90% straight be okay? And if phyto isn't ideal for getting it that straight, could somebody recommend a relaxer/stylist in the Toledo/Detroit/Columbus area that can?

I've read good things about Dark & Lovely on the board, but I wouldn't trust any stylist to put it in. I'm afraid of new stylists, too! The last one I went to, prior to getting a relaxer, cut my hair from BSL to above shoulder length. =( She said it was going to be a trim.

I'm looking forward to posting in more threads, and getting to know you guys. ^_^