No Measuring/Journal Challenge


New Member
Well, I wanted to start a challenge that will leave us stress free which is good for our hair. This challenge involves not measuring your hair until Decmber 31 or January 1st 2004. You'll have to pick a day. This challenge will have an update on January second to see how much new growth everyone acheived. The second part of this challenge is to keep a journal. The journal is to keep on how the hair looks at the end of the month. I plan to keep this challenge going on past January. I will update later as I go no with it. Well, my hair is about 9 inches and I plan on measuring it on January 1st 2004 to see my results. I encourage everyone to join the other challenges because they will help the hair to grow.
I'm already on the vitamin four month no measuring challenge, but I'm dying to measure at my next touch up in December. Since I didnt get any feedback on my last post to the vitamin challenge participants, I'll measure on Dec. 31st. I'm with ya.
Yes sure count me in. BUT can you explain a little more about the journaling part?

I'm not much on measuring anyway as far as inches go...i typically go by where my hair ends on my body so to speak so that's easy. I'm definitely in with you on that part as long as you wanna keep doing it.

I'm new so I've never gotten in on a challenge yet. thanks for this. great idea!
The journal part is that at the end of every month without measuring your hair examine your hair. Meaning is it limp, bouncy, dry, oily. Is it softer, harder, the same. It's basically how your hair looks at the end of the month. Can you see any improvement in it.
I'll join this one. I need to get a journal first. I had one , but I it must have gotten thrown out. Instead of the focus being on the length of your hair, not measuring puts the focus on the health of it. Good idea sabie19

Ballet Bun ...
Hi Sabie

I'm in

I haven't (tape) measured my hair in months. I'm excited to see how long my new growth is, but I can wait til Jan

As for the journal, I can do that too. I have one online already... now I'll just make sure to include a sentence or two re: my challenge.
I'm in!!!

Although I suspect I might straighten for x-mas...I'll stay away from actually measuring though...maybe just with my eyes...
I'll join this one too. This is rather easy for me because I never measure anyway. But now I'm looking forward to starting the journal and measuring at the end of the year.
im in...i will measure up in january...this sholud be cool to see our progress....but i cnt keep a journal to save my life...but i will post how my hair is doing 4 sure....
this is a really good challenge and one that i ought to join!!count me in too!!i wont measure my hair till my birthday on 3 feb coz i figure thats a nice birthday present coz either way ima b pleasantly surprised (i hope)lol. good luck ladies
Yes it is. By the end of this month, I will have a challenge update where everyone can measure their hair and say if it grew or not.