No Man Wants A Nasty Woman:How Neat Are You?

i felt like that when i was married, but now that i have a great guy in my life, i wanna do those things. i started out doing that in my marriage, but my resentment took over and i didn't care about nothing anymore.

Most men hate nasty, despise clutter but will usually put up with things being out of place moreso than just plain out nasty.

[/b]Oh yea, I'm kinda over being sexy 24/7, keeping the home immaculate 24/8, cooking thanksgiving dinner meals three times a day everyday, raising the kids, and managing the household in order to "keep" a man. Some of these same women doing ALL of this are getting divorces or being cheated on.[/b]

I definitely think you should do these things but the excessiveness of it all just kinda disgusts me.
OT...Guitarhero January_noir ... Can you all post links to these videos because I would love to see what you all are referring to.

I will say this...I know for myself, I absolutely cannot and will not become serious with a man that is cluttered or messy. I am a huge neat freak. Everything has to have its place and I clean little by little throughout the week to avoid having to do one HUGE occasional cleaning.
Mai Tai
Here ya go!
My Lush Henna Treatment
^^^ oh wow! i would be so embarrassed! i am really trippin off of her response to your comment! :lachen: she tried to say you had OCD? :lachen: pure comedy!
I mean, at least try to neaten up a little! Dang!
My mother would whoop my behind letting strangers see the house like that! :lachen:
LOL she said she just got done cooking dinner....but er'ra what the heck does that have to do with the rest of the mess against the walls and on the floor and just hanging around lol. That was a nasty house. I wasnt even going to comment but Jesus be a pair of cleaning hands, I had to.
OT: but has anyone noticed how neat men are? ALL of the men I've dated have been neater than me and I'm neat! Even my male colleagues are super neat.

My father was a neat freak, and most of the men I've had long term relationships, except for 1 or 2, were neat and tidy freaks.

Personally, I love a man who takes pride in the appearance of his home, car and person. They can get "it". :lol:

My mother told me a story about what my father did to her years ago. Now, keep in mind this was in the 50s. They were married in 1955 and I was born in 1958.
She was in bed asleep for the evening when my father came home from work (he worked 2nd shift). He went into the kitchen and saw that there were dishes in the sink, chairs out from the table, seasonings turned this and that way in the cabinets and the floor wasn't swept. She told me that he came upstairs, shook her up out of her sleep and said she needed to get downstairs and clean the kitchen and he wanted it done right then! :blush: He told her that his mother kept a clean and tidy house and that she'd have to too or find somewhere else to live. :blush: Of course, she got up and cleaned up the kitchen. And after that, she kept it that way too. :look:

My grandmother (my father's mother) did keep a clean and tidy home. You could literally eat off the floors without a plate. Every table, appliance, knick knack and window was clean and spit-shined polished. Everything in the house sparkled. That is what I remember most about my Nana in addition to her cooking skills. Lawd, could she cook!
My father was a neat freak, and most of the men I've had long term relationships, except for 1 or 2, were neat and tidy freaks.

Personally, I love a man who takes pride in the appearance of his home, car and person. They can get "it". :lol:

My mother told me a story about what my father did to her years ago. Now, keep in mind this was in the 50s. They were married in 1955 and I was born in 1958.
She was in bed asleep for the evening when my father came home from work (he worked 2nd shift). He went into the kitchen and saw that there were dishes in the sink, chairs out from the table, seasonings turned this and that way in the cabinets and the floor wasn't swept. She told me that he came upstairs, shook her up out of her sleep and said she needed to get downstairs and clean the kitchen and he wanted it done right then! :blush: He told her that his mother kept a clean and tidy house and that she'd have to too or find somewhere else to live. :blush: Of course, she got up and cleaned up the kitchen. And after that, she kept it that way too. :look:

My grandmother (my father's mother) did keep a clean and tidy home. You could literally eat off the floors without a plate. Every table, appliance, knick knack and window was clean and spit-shined polished. Everything in the house sparkled. That is what I remember most about my Nana in addition to her cooking skills. Lawd, could she cook!

That's the attitude I'mma talkin' bout right chiuh! :nono: Chairs a little pushed out from the table and spices turned this/that This is why I can't ....... I mean, discuss it in the morning after You cleaned it up and make sure everybody's needs are being met. Ok, it was 1950's. :look: But to threaten to live elsewhere and treat her like a child? :nono: That attitude prevails today!

Oh, btw y'all, in the interest of respect, I won't post her vid...I've just described it enough. I do think she's compensating and coming down just a tad on women for areas outside of healthy weight. It was just that comment about being classless if there are fingerprints from kids on the patio door that sent me over!:lol: I just simply disagree with her assessment :grin: as that does not constitute "nasty."
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That's the attitude I'mma talkin' bout right chiuh! :nono: Chairs a little pushed out from the table and spices turned this/that This is why I can't ....... I mean, discuss it in the morning after You cleaned it up and make sure everybody's needs are being met. Ok, it was 1950's. :look: But to threaten to live elsewhere and treat her like a child? :nono: That attitude prevails today!

It does? I haven't seen or heard of that! :lol:
My dad really didn't mean what he said since he loved my mother, but he was tired and cross from work. Actually, my mother was the real boss. :lol:

The point he got across to my mother is he wanted a clean home when he came home from work and that was her job to make it that way. My mother was a SAHM the first few years they were married, but eventually she started working too, so he had to live with a less-than-tidy home.
Eh,.....I'm allergic to men telling me what to do.

Hey, I saw the Lush henna...I know what's up. They are under renovation. She has a junk room until it's done. You see the plastering spots and whatnot? Their kitchen is very small and it looks like they got rid of the rest of it and her counters are cluttered. I saw the bedroom (closet) and the bathroom and living room...clean, neat and very nice. She's in Essex, England with a husband and kids...and it's either row housing or they are in small council housing (from the way it looks). It think it's a small row. Y'all are on crack OCD.:lachen: I saw that comment and laughed too.
Well, I'd rather be OCD then. I'd have to clean the dishes at least before I made a video or did my hair. I couldn't ... I wouldn't... :nono:
Eh,.....I'm allergic to men telling me what to do.

Hey, I saw the Lush henna...I know what's up. They are under renovation. She has a junk room until it's done. You see the plastering spots and whatnot? Their kitchen is very small and it looks like they got rid of the rest of it and her counters are cluttered. I saw the bedroom (closet) and the bathroom and living room...clean, neat and very nice. She's in Essex, England with a husband and kids...and it's either row housing or they are in small council housing (from the way it looks). It think it's a small row. Y'all are on crack OCD.:lachen: I saw that comment and laughed too.

You're making A LOT of excuses for that mess..that was a HOT MESS :lol:
Lemme tell ya'll something....

I work full-time outside the home
I do all of the meal planning and grocery shopping
I cook and clean up the kitchen (with help from youngin')
I organize and arrange all family activities (vacations, sleep overs, get-to-gethers, etc.)
I do laundry for myself and dh
I do volunteer work
I do all the bill-paying, accounting, and filing
I'm expected to know where everything is at all times

SOOOOO, if the house is cluttered, dammit grab a broom, mop, or wersh rag and get to work. I wish somebody would come complaining about something being dirty. Now we don't live in pure nastiness, but it's not a home of perfect cleanliness.

Matter of fact, I've put errbody on notice around this mug that once the last kiddo goes off to college - I'm D-O-N-E. Done. Done. Done. Hire a maid service, hire a cook, do whatever. I'm through! I plan to enjoy my later years. I've spent all of my youth taking care of others.

Where's that thread about black women not being angry, we just TIRED! :lol:
You're making A LOT of excuses for that mess..that was a HOT MESS :lol:

I'm saying I saw her other rooms...looks like one room was a junk room from construction because of the kitchen walls and this horrible room was right off the kitchen. Check her other vids...her house is clean. I'm not just into this here...I don't have a dick big enough to piss as much as you all do. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Forgive my earlier's been one of those days!

To finally answer the OP :look: - women need to give men credit. They aren't stupid. If they find a woman who can cook, is smart, organized, looks half-way decent, etc., they are all over it. She doesn't have to be a neat freak to get a man.