No-Lye Relaxers


I am using a no-lye relaxer (Elasta QP) and I read earlier on a post that No-lye relaxer users should use a chelating shampoo/treatment to rid calcium buildup. My question is : What is a chelating shampoo, and could you recommend a few?

Thanks Ladies:)
elucence volume clarifying is a chelating shampoo
ORS also makes one called Creamy aloe

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A chelating poo is a bit more effective than a clarifying poo when it comes to buildup. Nexxus also makes one called ALOE RID and thats what I use. Make sure to deep condition after use.
renae226 said:
I am using a no-lye relaxer (Elasta QP) and I read earlier on a post that No-lye relaxer users should use a chelating shampoo/treatment to rid calcium buildup. My question is : What is a chelating shampoo, and could you recommend a few?

Thanks Ladies:)

hey i use the same relaxer as you...

2 be honest i think chelating is a waste of your money.

i aint never needed one, and my hair is fine!
Candy_C said:
hey i use the same relaxer as you...

2 be honest i think chelating is a waste of your money.

i aint never needed one, and my hair is fine

Me either, candy. I've never had to chelate.

I do not have an issue with no lyes causing dryness or anything. If no-lyes (and hard water) are drying you out though, chelating may help that.
Sistaslick said:
Me either, candy. I've never had to chelate.

I do not have an issue with no lyes causing dryness or anything. If no-lyes (and hard water) are drying you out though, chelating may help that.

Sista are you a no-lyer too?

i remember when ealot of people on LHCF were saying having no-lye was baaaaaaaaad !!
I'm not suffering from dryness; I was just wandering if it were necessary fo a chelating shampoo. I've always used no-lye with no problems.
Candy_C said:
Sista are you a no-lyer too?

i remember when ealot of people on LHCF were saying having no-lye was baaaaaaaaad !!

Yup! :yep: I use the no-lye version of Mizani.

No-lye gets a bad rep, but I've see far too many heads of beautiful, thriving no-lye relaxed hair over here to believe its a universal disaster. :lol: Shooo, I've seen folks that swear by lye relaxers with jacked, dried up hair too. All chemicals require some level of maintenance. :lol: I've used both with no problems- and neither one seems any better than the other to me.

Renae, if you aren't having any problems with dryness- then I wouldn't worry about chelating. You'll be fine with regular moisturizing.