No longer transitioning


Active Member
so i decided to no longer transition after 3 months.... i dont have a problem with relaxed hair, I just i ran into to problems when I started coloring/highlighting and not stretching my relaxers. my hair became limp and lifeless. I was natural until i was 18 years old, and i have no problem with that either, it was just time consuming and I wore my hair straight, so I relaxed. maybe later when I have more time to contribute to natural hair I will transitioning again... this is what i learned

1. No color on relaxed hair!! the big mistake i made!!!
2. Wait at least 3 months before retouching
3. Dont relax bone straight!
4. Low manipulation is key/ moisture at night:yep:
5. Stick to core products that work...
6. Cones are good, but they do build up, find a good oil for everyday use
7. Maintain protein and moisture balance:lick: