No Longer Lurking


New Member
Hey Ladies! :newbie:

I have lurked on this site and stalked open Fotkis for quite some time. I decided a couple of weeks ago that it was time for me to join completely and I am finally introducing myself.

I hope to learn alot more from you all to help me get to APL in the next 6 months.:blowkiss:
Hey Ladies! :newbie:

I have lurked on this site and stalked open Fotkis for quite some time. I decided a couple of weeks ago that it was time for me to join completely and I am finally introducing myself.

I hope to learn alot more from you all to help me get to APL in the next 6 months.:blowkiss:

Welcome to LHCF..may your stay be long and Hair raising:grin:!
So, give us the skinny on your hair regimen of getting to APL.

hi there!!! :wave:
i lurked for a long time, too... doesn't it feel nice to be on the other side? :grin:
Me too!! Thanx for breaking the mold growinghair, It feels really good to be "out" -LOL

My only problem is that I have to learn how to use all the tools here as well as create/manage my fotki.