No longer a lurker


New Member
I've been lurking for months now and, finally I've decided to join and I'm so happy:yay: This forum has a wealth of information and inspirations which is well worth the $5. Since coming here my hair has become much more stronger and healthier less is more that is what I've learned.
I was my hair once a week with Aphogee shampoo and do deep conditioning weekly with Ojon seems to be working.

Btw I think I have become a PJ
Welcome to the board. If you think you are a product junkie, you probably are.
Cocotte said:
I've been lurking for months now and, finally I've decided to join and I'm so happy:yay: This forum has a wealth of information and inspirations which is well worth the $5. Since coming here my hair has become much more stronger and healthier less is more that is what I've learned.
I was my hair once a week with Aphogee shampoo and do deep conditioning weekly with Ojon seems to be working.

Btw I think I have become a PJ

:wave: Yayyy, another Floridian:bouncy:

Welcome to the board:grin: