"No, it's not a weave" T-shirt

I would. Once you get asked enough times and random unsolicited touching comes into play, to cut all that ish off at the pass, I'd rock it in a minute. Tacky is subject to interpretation and things like that I feel are based on personalities. I'm a smart azs Aries anyway so that's right up my alley...
Nope not my style and it seems kind of snotty ( no need to be that way just because uve got long hair) but then again Im not rude enough to ASK that to random ppl ( or be touchin them for that matter) If I like somebodys hair I just tell them and keep it movin. I DO want a white tee with a "black power" fist on it though...........:grin::afro:
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We working so hard to reach these hair goals, so why not be proud and flaunt it. You know haters are thinking it anyway, just beat them to it. Yes, I'll be getting that shirt when i reach my goal but i want mine to have LHCF on the back:grin:
yep, I would wear it......After I had my last baby, the first time hubby and I went out, I wore a shirt that said "The ***** is back" and yes I was back looking extra, extra fierce.......:grin:
I don't wear t-shirts w/ messages on them :nono:. As much as I love Obama, I couldn't even bring myself to wear an Obama t-shirt. I rarely wear t-shirts out and about anyway; they have to be fitted and cute for public viewing.

I'm sure many people wonder if I have a weave, but very few will ask. My default expression keeps most people from asking me anything, so even when I reach mid-back and beyond a t-shirt stating whether my hair is a weave or not won't be needed.
They need one that says "Look...but don't touch"...with a person slapping away a hand that's going for their hair on it.

lol. maybe on special occasions.

i used to have a shirt(no, still do) that reads "If you're cute, I'm single." I have worn it on dates. :grin:
:lachen::lachen: That's hilarious!

I'd wear a shirt like that to Disney World or something. Just for fun around large groups of strangers (that's when I'm usually asked this question- even when my hair was sL. What's with that?:ohwell:).

Let me hit BSL and i will not give a damn about who considers me conceited! :lol:

I'll flip that hair in your face in a second so you can get a better shot at my shirt!

Love it and coulnd't have said it better!

I think it is TACKY to just reach over and touch somebody's head/hair! :rolleyes:
I don't think it's tacky. What I think is tacky is someone thinking they can put the hands all up in my hair. So, if a shirt will keep them away, go ahead and wear it! Half the time after a person feels my hair they don't think it's real anyway...
Nope, just as long as I know it's my hair that's all that matters. To wear a shirt like that screams of vanity and egotism and ghetto peeps wouldn't think twice to start some BS over that, trying to yank it out of your head cause they're jealous or something :boxing:
Nope, just as long as I know it's my hair that's all that matters. To wear a shirt like that screams of vanity and egotism and ghetto peeps wouldn't think twice to start some BS over that, trying to yank it out of your head cause they're jealous or something :boxing:

For real. There are many bad-mind people who would do JUST that.
We working so hard to reach these hair goals, so why not be proud and flaunt it. You know haters are thinking it anyway, just beat them to it. Yes, I'll be getting that shirt when i reach my goal but i want mine to have LHCF on the back:grin:

Good idea! or maybe one that says "No Need for WEAVE when you have LHCF!"
On one hand I would, but on the other hand I don't know. I mean, it may make people think I am stuck-up or being conceited. On the other side of that, I get SOOOOOOOO tired of people asking me if my hair is real. I wear shirts like, 'Love, Peace and Nappiness,' 'Happy to be Nappy,' and 'Just call me Afrolicious.' So, why the hell not?
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Nope, just as long as I know it's my hair that's all that matters. To wear a shirt like that screams of vanity and egotism and ghetto peeps wouldn't think twice to start some BS over that, trying to yank it out of your head cause they're jealous or something :boxing:
I'm all of those things in my bra and panties :lachen: j/k. If a STRANGER can derive all of that about my character from a piece of cotton, they have a much deeper grasp of discernment than I.
Sure would. I could care less if someone thinks I'm conceited. Hell I have a shirt that says I spend more than you make :look: The only ones mad are the ones that's mad.

Then again, it would look stupid on someone who's hair is not enviable to begin with. Luckily...:look::lachen:
I would wear it; after I reach my goal that is! You never know if it might encourage someone who believes they can't have long hair. Forget the people who get offended, they'll get over it!
I would wear it. I could careless what anyone thinks about me. I never had strangers touch my hair. I think its disrespectful.