No Heat What-So-Ever!!??


Well-Known Member
  • How many of you ladies are not using ANY heat at all?
  • How long has it been since you have used heat (flat irons, hot curlers, heated rollers, blow dryer)?
  • Have you seen a difference as a result of eliminating heat?
  • Are you afraid to use it, fearing a setback?
I am asking all these questions b/c I am really trying to STOP with heat completely. I used heat on my hair 3 weeks ago. I don't like it because it reveals all the flaws and fly aways in my hair.
I feel like heat is that only thing that could possibly be setting me back. I have analyzed several different reasons why I cannot retain any length and I really think it's the use of heat.
I LOVE bone str8 hair but not at the expense of broken damaged tresses. And in order to have a healthy head of hair I know I will have to sacrifice for a while and PS like crazy. :perplexed

Looking fwd to your responses.
Used heat 2 years into my HHJ in 2009 and then in 2010. My stylist used a blow dryer to straighten and trim my hair on low heat.

I've noticed an obvious difference in my hair's ability to retain length & thickness.
WOW that's a long time! U think u will ever use heat of any kind again?

Heh. To be fair, I had dreads for 5ish years, so yeah. :lol:

At this point in time, I can say yes, I can see myself getting my hair 'pressed' in some form or fashion at some point in the future, just to see what it looks like straight. I've been doing this hair thing for 3 years now, and I still don't feel like I have enough hair to make it worthwhile straightening it - when I finally do, I wanna have at least MBL/BSL hair - I want to be impressed with it, ya know?

I won't be using it often, though - that would most likely happen once, and I wouldn't straighten it again for another 4-5 years - and by that time, I hope to have enough hair that I wouldn't want to straighten it because it would take too long! :lol:
I don't use heat that often but it's mainly because i don't know how and I don't have good technique.

I'm transitiong, but when I was mainly relaxed I didn't have a need for heat, I just rollerset when I wanted my hair sleek and straight.
Heh. To be fair, I had dreads for 5ish years, so yeah. :lol:

At this point in time, I can say yes, I can see myself getting my hair 'pressed' in some form or fashion at some point in the future, just to see what it looks like straight. I've been doing this hair thing for 3 years now, and I still don't feel like I have enough hair to make it worthwhile straightening it - when I finally do, I wanna have at least MBL/BSL hair - I want to be impressed with it, ya know?

I won't be using it often, though - that would most likely happen once, and I wouldn't straighten it again for another 4-5 years - and by that time, I hope to have enough hair that I wouldn't want to straighten it because it would take too long! :lol:

Being 'impressed' is precisely why I am aggressive with my goal. I wanna have that BAM, BOOM, IN YOUR FACE effect. So I hear ya Kiya, loud and clear.
I used my curlformers last week and sitting under the dryer was the first time I'd used heat in 6 months. I'm not on a regime per se, I just don't like heat on my tresses. Flaming torture tools are a big no no and abandoning them was the best things I ever did for my hair as far as general health, beauty, and retention. I NEVER use them. I use a hood dryer for deep conditioning and curlforming once in a blue moon.
How many of you ladies are not using ANY heat at all? MEEE!!
  • How long has it been since you have used heat (flat irons, hot curlers, heated rollers, blow dryer)?
Last time was Dec. 2005 (going on 5 years)
  • Have you seen a difference as a result of eliminating heat? hair breaks less and retains more...vast improvement in overall hair health.
  • Are you afraid to use it, fearing a setback?
No, I'm not afraid of a setback. During my hair journey, I had to make a decision: 1) be natural and flatiron regularly, or 2) texlax and get rid of all direct heat, because I believe that chemicals AND heat are too much for my hair. Well, I chose #2 and it's been the best hair decision I could have made. :yep:
Oh, wait - do bonnet dryers count? :lol: I use them for steam treatments, so if those count, I use heat pretty regularly - once a month, on average, sometimes more. My hair is soaking wet the entire time, but I am using heat. :yep:
I've flat ironed like, 3 or 4 times in the past 2-2.5 years when I was natural just to check length. I have fine hair so blowdrying is too stressful. I relaxed a couple of months ago and my roots are getting a bit showy so this weekend I'm planning flat iron my roots with a heat protectant for a party.

If I find it to be worth it, I will do it for special occasions. Otherwise, I will continue to practice and try and master the fine art of roller setting and airdrying. Besides, spring and summertime in Chicago is merciless. The humidity here laughs in the face of flat ironed hair. I'm going to try roller setting on smaller flexirods for the summer... make some kind of faux fro that I don't have to obsess about.
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Oh, wait - do bonnet dryers count? :lol: I use them for steam treatments, so if those count, I use heat pretty regularly - once a month, on average, sometimes more. My hair is soaking wet the entire time, but I am using heat. :yep:

if these dont count, then i am on no heat either.. I am just not that good with it honestly. I tried to straighten with a maxiglide and i wasnt too impressed with my results. I think i may try to rollerset, but really i didnt care for that outcome either. Truthfully my head is a little too big for straight hair unless it is long so I'm not missing out..
I have only used a blowdryer three times since I b/c'd again. I am a month away from my year anniversay. I'm hair lazy and it hurts too bad to raise my arms above my shoulders so anything outside of a wash and go,two plaits and occasional cornrows is too much effort. I don't even use my hooded dryer for deep conditioning. In another year I may start using heat more often to do 2+1 treatments.
A few months ago I used a cool setting on my hair dryer to take the dampness out of my hair and I used a bonnet dryer once on a low setting.

Other than that, I haven't straighten in almost 2 years.
Impressive ladies! U are really committed and disciplined.

And no those bonnets for conditioning & steam treatments don't count LOL!
A few months ago I used a cool setting on my hair dryer to take the dampness out of my hair and I used a bonnet dryer once on a low setting.
Other than that, I haven't straighten in almost 2 years.
so then what did you do to get you hair that straight in your avatar??
Impressive ladies! U are really committed and disciplined.

And no those bonnets for conditioning & steam treatments don't count LOL!

:giggle: Okay! 12 years, then. :yep:

And honestly, for me, it's not a matter of discipline. :lachen: For one thing, I don't own any heat implements - well, no, I own a cheap hair dryer that I use to tighten the plastic on my windows. :rofl:
For another thing, I'm not really a fan of straight hair on me. *shrug* I prefer the kinks, 24/7. So - I've never had a 'reason' to be tempted, so to speak.

Both her avatar and siggy pic is her daughter?

I think the Avi is an old one of her, and the siggy is her daughter. :yep:
I reduced my heat use gradually over a period of years. The last time I straightened my hair with heat was probably over 3 years ago.

My hair had been stuck around SL for years while I was using heat regularly (and CL w/ heat/color). When I went to Europe, I didn't use heat for one month, and my airdried hair started to look good at the end of that. When I straightened again, my hair looked great! I decided to mainly wear my hair curly and only straighten occasionally. As I reduced my heat use, it went to CBL then a bit beyond that, then to APL. One day after straightening, I realized that my hair looks better curly, and I haven't straightened since. My hair went past APL, and is now BSL-ish (almost APL wavy/curly).

In addition to length, my hair is much thicker, healthier, and looks great curly (that wasn't the case when I was straightening all the time). And I am FREE to take a shower when I want, go swimming, whatever! I love my hair now- I think it looks so glamorous and stands out wherever I go- a unique mane that looks like me. I love it!

Now I'm soooo done with relaxing/texlaxing (sheesh, don't even know why I was doing that) and I know my hair will get as long as I want it! When I get to WL, I might straighten one time to see the length, although I am a little afraid to do it- don't wanna risk the damage.
I haven't used any heat in about a year or 2. the longer I'm a natural, the less interest I have in straightening or direct heat at all.
I used it this time last year trying to do something different. I think it had been years like 3 or 4 years before that.

I only use heat for conditioning. I have another swanky event to go to in a few weeks and this time I am going to attempt the curlformers. Last year was a fight to the finish trying to use heat and curling irons and I still LOST!

I have the type of hair that if it isn't trained to do something then get ready for the WWF Champeen Fight of the WORLD! LOL

In all seriousness, I don't use heat as in blow dryers and flaming hot tools of torture in my regimen. :lachen:

But that is just me for now anyway. No offense to my ladies who can rock those instruments into their regular routine. :yep:
I am a recovering heat addict. I haven't used heat since September. I realized that heat use was contributing to my breakage issues. I have to be honest, I think my hair looks better when I use heat but until I reach my goal length I'm leaving it alone.
i stopped a whole year ago..had a setback and never looked back on heat hair is definitely retaining more and its thicker
How many of you ladies are not using ANY heat at all?
None, in no way shape for form

How long has it been since you have used heat?
Since my BC, June 1998

Have you seen a difference as a result of eliminating heat?
I really don't have a base point because I was relaxed and using heat on a daily basis and I didn't have any problems with my relxed hair, had a head full of long, thick, relaxed hair. I just wanted to be natural. My natural hair has never had heat applied.

Are you afraid to use it, fearing a setback?
Nope, because I never plan to go back to relaxed hair
Hi I'm JDI and it's been 3 years (come July 1st) since my last heat usage...
I don't use heat because I'm just plain lazy!!! (and i moved out of the us and have no desire to buy flat irons, hair dryers or any other electrical equipment here.. since I don't want to end up with two sets of equipment) Also I'm natural so no need for me.. I twist and roll..
I don't use heat at all.. when I wash I air dry.. when I dc.. I use body heat .. (I exercise or just leave my conditioner in for a while.. seems to work for me)

I found that I have no split ends that a lot of people talk about... and have more time to do whatever i please without having to stand in front a mirror heating my scalp.. my opinion is if my ancestors did it and they were fine.. then I'll be fine with no heat also.. don't mean to offend anyone by this but just my opinion.2
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