no heat for a week challenge!


here.... but i'm not here
okay i just washed my hair and i thought to myself. i bet i can go for a week without using heat. and then i thought why don't i ask the lhcf ladies to join in with me. so whos down for going without heat for a week. no blow-dryers,curling irons, or flat irons. AT ALL
. ( those are the only heat products i have in my house ) and i also thought if i can go a week i bet i can go a very long time without using heat. so who's down for a week? anybody wan to make the challenge longer?
hey, I've already gone a week without heat (9 days to be exact). The last time I used a blowdryer was June 13. I havent used curling or flat irons in a long while.
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I stopped using direct heat about 6 months ago, it took a while to master rollersetting under a hooded dryer but it has really helped my hair thrive, I have no more broken hairs and it gets the hair straighter than if I used a blow dryer then a flat iron. In my experience, no/minimal heat is the key to healthy and thus longer hair... Good luck
I didn't get in on the first no heat challenge, so I would definetly like to get on the bandwagon. So I'm in!
i usually don't use heat for 4-6 weeks at a time. when i first started, it was SO hard to do, but braids helped. now it's hard to get me TO use heat. blow dryer... flat iron... all that stuff is just too much work!

adrienne0914...its hard for me to use heat too...I dread going back to the blow dryer once I reach my hair length goal if i want my hair straight in a short amount of time. But I plan on never using the curling irons or flat irons anymore.
i actually don't mind using my flat iron. it's ceramic and pretty gentle on the hair. i just CANNOT stand blow drying. it takes almost an hour if i don't do it systematically... even with the ionic dryer. before that dryer, it took longer than that. not fun...

i still like straight styles, but i'm glad i've also come to like wavy styles. they're easier and less stressful to the hair to achieve.
with all that hair u got adrienne, I bet it does take forever to blowdry
... keep up the good hair care!