No children's programs


New Member
I interested in your thoughts on a situation. I am a member of a church that has no children's programs other than a choir. When I go to Sunday School my kids are there with the adults. If the pastor attended and we were there he'd take my kids in the back and taught them. That same Sunday he announced in church that he had Sunday school with three young children. He told everyone that the next Sunday he would provide breakfast if kids came. The next Sunday my children were the only ones again. I love this church and have no problem other than no children services. I want to find another church that has children's programs. I liked the last pastor and have thought about calling him to see where he is now and visit. Thenn on the other hand we don't have a pastor at this time and I'm thinking maybe things will change when we get one.
I believe a healthy children's ministry is vital for our little ones. I would not attend any place of worship that couldn't meet the needs of all of our family.:yep:
I agree children's ministry is very vital hence my concern. This is the first church I've been to that doesn't have anything for children. I will continue to visit but I have to find somewhere else for us. Thanks for replying.
Hi Me2. I am in agreement with Alexstin. One of our requirements in a church was that it would meet the needs of our entire family from 36 years old to 2 years old. We haven't been at this church for a year but the spiritual growth in my children is great and already so evident. Our babies are blank canvases and their souls need to be nourished just as much, if not more than ours. Pray that God will lead you to the right church.
I interested in your thoughts on a situation. I am a member of a church that has no children's programs other than a choir. When I go to Sunday School my kids are there with the adults. If the pastor attended and we were there he'd take my kids in the back and taught them. That same Sunday he announced in church that he had Sunday school with three young children. He told everyone that the next Sunday he would provide breakfast if kids came. The next Sunday my children were the only ones again. I love this church and have no problem other than no children services. I want to find another church that has children's programs. I liked the last pastor and have thought about calling him to see where he is now and visit. Thenn on the other hand we don't have a pastor at this time and I'm thinking maybe things will change when we get one.

The best thing you can do right now since you are at a place you like is open and keep a dialouge with the pastor as to what can be done with the situation.

My husband and I have been going from church to church and some didn't have an area for children so they would have to stay with us through service. With trying to keep them quietly occupied we miss most of the message that was given. We have thankfully found a church that has separate clases for children so that parents can get the most out of the service while the children are been taken care of and taught in different part of the church.

One thing about finding a church that meets all your needs is for the most part it will be hard to find.
I interested in your thoughts on a situation. I am a member of a church that has no children's programs other than a choir. When I go to Sunday School my kids are there with the adults. If the pastor attended and we were there he'd take my kids in the back and taught them. That same Sunday he announced in church that he had Sunday school with three young children. He told everyone that the next Sunday he would provide breakfast if kids came. The next Sunday my children were the only ones again. I love this church and have no problem other than no children services. I want to find another church that has children's programs. I liked the last pastor and have thought about calling him to see where he is now and visit. Thenn on the other hand we don't have a pastor at this time and I'm thinking maybe things will change when we get one.
I taught for over 12 years and I loved it.

Have you thought of 'starting' a Children's Ministry in your Church? "Necessity it the mother of creation." My Pastor always teaches, that to see a need is to fill it.

It's not that hard. Really. The Lesson Plans are endless.

Each week choose a topic. Such as 'Sharing'.

The Bible story can be the one when the little boy shared his lunch and Jesus was able to feed 5000 hungry people.

Then have a question and answer session about the story with the children. Allow the children to share their perceptions of the story. No answer is ever wrong. It's a great opportunity to expand the story's lesson for them.

The lesson questions can be as follows:

1. Why did Jesus want to feed so many people? (Ans. They were hungry and they had too far to travel without being fed).
2. How was Jesus able to feed so many people with so little food. (He prayed and asked God to bless what He had).
3. Did the little boy do a good thing by giving his lunch to Jesus? Why?
4. Have you ever shared your lunch with anyone before?
5. What did you share with them? Why did you decide to share?
6. Is Food the only thing that we can share with someone?
7. What other things would you share to help someone in need?
8. How does it make you feel to share?

After the question / answer session, let the children draw a picture to express an act of sharing. They can draw whatever they like (or can). All pictures are special and they can take their pictures home to share with mom and dad.

After the art session, have a 'Share Demonstration', by sharing a snack. Place graham crackers (or something similar) on a large paper plate. Have each child share a responsibility. Such as one passes out napkins, one passes out a paper cup (for water) etc. Then they pass the plate around to share the snack. Before eating, we'd share a prayer of thanks.

Note: I always gave my children 'water' only to drink (no juices or sugar drinks). I taught them that our bodies need water to help keep us clean on the inside, just like the outside. They loved it and looked forward to drinking water only.

I hope this helps. If people keep leaving because nothing's there, the Church will die. You may be the one God is calling. That's between you and the Lord. But if this call is yours, get other parents involved and allow God to help you select the right ones. Don't take on this ministry alone or you will 'burn out' and be ineffective to the call.

I wish you all the best. :giveheart:
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Thanks for the responses ladies. I'm putting it in the Lord's hands. I'm not looking for a perfect church. I just want one that has a good youth program. I talk to my children all the time about the Lord but I want this to be backed up in church on a level they can understand.

Shimmie, I really thought about starting a class. I talked to a lady who said she taught Sunday School years ago but she stopped when the children stopped showing up and the older ones got out of hand. Then I ask myself sometimes if the parents don't show up to Sunday school are they going to be willing to bring their children. I've never seen any young people in Sunday School other than myself, my children, and one of the deacons. We don't have a pastor at this time to discuss this with. The majority of the congergation are older people. From some things I've seen not many are willing to accept change.

Thanks again ladies.