No checking LHCF for 1 Week Challenge!


Well-Known Member
Ok, the true mark of addiction is withdrawal, right? So I want to prove to myself and my family that I am NOT addicted to LHCF, I just like learning about hair. Hey, maybe you can even save some money this week since you won't be running out to try the latest product. So if anyone is game, no LHCF for 1 Week.
I'm in!! I plan to update on my hair for good sometime this week anyway since I'm worrying about it too much. This challenge is just what I need!
I'm sorry but unless the pc dies at home, at work, at all the Columbus and surrounding area libraries, and at the homes of my two best friends THERE IS NO WAY I CAN DO THIS... :lol: Y'all would see me on the news: Ohio woman arrested for breaking and entering area homes to use internet for hair forum access.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies, tho.

webby said:
Sorry ladies, you're on your own. I'm a junkie and I KNOW it, so I'm fooling no one :lol:

Ok!! I'd end up creating another screen name and loggin in under that just to lurk! :sekret: :look:
No way I can do this for a week. I have gone 2-3 days without checking the board, but a week? no way. Good luck to the ladies that are joining this challenge. I'm a LHCF junkie and proud of it!!! :wasntme:
Champagne_Wishes said:
I'll join ya! Besides I need to be looking for a new job anyways :lol:.

I was thinking the same thing. I sat down last night to work on my resume and somehow I ended up checking here and updating my album :look: .
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: i'd prpbably do the same. But seriously i need to cut down on the time i spend here but i just cant do it! Maybe I'll try a 3 day challenge so i can find a new job but im not telling when i'll start.... no pressure!

LaNecia said:
Ok!! I'd end up creating another screen name and loggin in under that just to lurk! :sekret: :look:
Yeh what she said :D except is would read: Delaware woman arrested

Enchntmt said:
I'm sorry but unless the pc dies at home, at work, at all the Columbus and surrounding area libraries, and at the homes of my two best friends THERE IS NO WAY I CAN DO THIS... :lol: Y'all would see me on the news: Ohio woman arrested for breaking and entering area homes to use internet for hair forum access.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies, tho.

Oh, goodness, I SO need to be on this challenge. I'm a sahm, and sometimes the babies are crying (I have 3 under 4 years old) and I'm like, just a moment, let me check out this last thread:) Okay, it's not quite that bad, but almost. I think I am going to try to skip a DAY or TWO next week, just to show myself I can do it:)
I really need to join this challenge, but...I just can't do it! Maybe next week...or next year....
I don't think I can do a whole week.

I'll compromise, I will not check LHCF at work. That's something I've been meaning to do anyway.
:lachen: A week :lachen: :lol: You're kidding right :yep: you must be :lol: :lachen:

I take the weekends off. Every weekend. I only look at work. I swear :look: I can stop whenever I want to I'm not addicted. I'm not :wallbash: I'm not :wallbash: I'm not :mad:
sprungonhairboards said:
I take the weekends off. Every weekend. I only look at work.

Me too. I have to get on LHCF at work. What else would I do all day? Work you say? Yeah right! :lachen: :lachen:
I don't think I could. LOL. My friends tell me that I care more about my hair than my clothes. Thank God for wireless or I would go crazy without my laptop internet service, g2g shopping now. :grin:
I don't think I can. I will at least get on here on the weekend after I resume work next week. But, I can't stay off for a whole week! This site is so full of info! Plus, even if I'm not on here, I'm liable to be on another hair board like Diaspora or BlackHairMedia. :lol:
Enchantmt said:
I'm sorry but unless the pc dies at home, at work, at all the Columbus and surrounding area libraries, and at the homes of my two best friends THERE IS NO WAY I CAN DO THIS... :lol: Y'all would see me on the news: Ohio woman arrested for breaking and entering area homes to use internet for hair forum access.
Good luck to the rest of you ladies, tho.


Girl you are crazy!!!! :lol: :lol: :lachen: :lachen:
I tried to do this today and lasted until 15 minutes ago. Then I saw this post. Someone must be trying to tell me something.

I'm going to try this challenge. My hair is braided so I really don't need to check in for a while.