No BC Tranistioner Reggie Advice Needed - HELP PLS!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

So last week I did a C&G wash method for doing my hair. I did about 6 plaits this time, my normal is 4, but after reading that 6 might work better for my type of 4a/4b hair I tried 6.

(BTW, I am doing a long term transition w/o the big chop aka swearing off the creamy crack!)

Anyway, I did the wash and then I did an hour long protein conditioner. My hair was a soft mess after leaving it in cornrows for about 3 weeks and doing the every other day spritz's with S Curl. It needed protein bad. After sitting with protein for an hour, my hair that I never took out of the plaits during the wash/cond process, which I normally do take down and untangle under the shower after washing to apply DC and again when rinsing out the DC to untangle, was a tangled mess at the roots :wallbash:!!!

I took out the braids one at a time and sprayed it down with my newly created (made it while my PDC was in working on my hair) water/conditioner/favorite oil/lotta body mix. There was not nearly enough slippage and I lost so much hair during the blow our process and afterward trying to part my hair. I have NEVER lost so much hair before.

I have noticed after years of going to the Dominican salons, after I am about 3-4 weeks post relaxer and I do a deep protein conditioner, my hair ALWAYS tangles :nono:. Anytime before 3-4 weeks and I do DPC, my hair is fine. It like the new growth doesn't like it or something. It's so weird. They had to use a lot of that detangling conditioner they have to get the knots out as they untangled my hair.

I really try to be in touch with my hair and I go by how my hair feels and acts to know if it needs protein. To me not using protein isn't an option. However, as I transition, I need help advice as I imagine the tangling is only going to get worse.

So here are my questions:

1. Is there something that I am missing in regards to my hair and the use of protein?

2. Can anyone recommend a cheap detangling conditioner? I would like to use one of the Cholesterol tub type of conditioners as you seem to get a lot for cheap but I have no clue which one, if any one, would work to do this. The untangling conditioner I had before by Matrix, worked great but I cannot afford it consistently.

3. For those who are transitioning and washing their own hair, what would you recommend that I do to keep the tangling and knots down to a minimum? Product recommendation? Regiment recommendation?

A part of me really doesn't care about my relaxed hair anymore but the other part of me feels like if I am not successful :nono: and fall back to the creamy crack, then I want to have good retention for my relaxed hair. This is my first time transitioning to natural. So I really need the advice ladies.

Thanks for the advice and product recommendations in advance!

Your new growth most likely does not need protein. Try to only apply the protein treatments to the relaxed ends. Or you could try to incorporate ceramides into your regimen. I use ceremides weekly and I haven't had to do a protein treatment since spring.

Lekair Cholesterol is good at detangling my hair but Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol is even better! But the best detangler I've ever used is Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose. You can also purchase a detangling leave in. Silk Elements Silken Child makes one, or Organics Kids Shea Butter detangler or whatever its called, Mane n Tail makes one as well. I've never used any of those. I used to use the Breck's Kids Detangler from dollar tree because it was only a dollar and it worked pretty well.

I never allow my hair to mat up or get to tangled because my hair is ALWAYS in 4 braids unless I'm going out somewhere and the only styles I wear are braidouts, ponytails, and buns. I also finger detangle every night but that may be too much manipulation for you. But because my hair is in those 4 braids the majority of the time, it doesn't have a chance to detangle except when I shampoo and at that point, Aubrey Organics does its job at detangling. HTH

How many weeks post are you?

Ok I will work on not putting it on my NG. I have been raised to focus on the roots, so it will be a learning experience to avoid them roots! lol

What products have ceremides? I have looked up the word so I understand the term better, thanks wiki!, but I have no idea what to look for in the ingredient list to know that it qualifies as a ceremides.

I just went up to 125th in Harlem, I work on train stop away thank gawd!, and I bought Lacio Lacio (leave in) and Silicone Mix (DC). If either doesn't work, I will go to SB and pick up SE Mega and the Silken Child. I have read so much about Silken Child, I really do want to try it but I am trying to not be the PJ I truly am. I have a 15% coupon that expires today for Sally and I am so tempted to pick up the Silken Child anyway. lol

I am 10wks post this Sat... It's getting harder to handle. By this time, I would be looking forward to my next relaxer appt in 2 weeks. This is the first time I will not be giving in to that remedy... I pray tonight's wash goes better then my last... Oy!

BTW, is it better to roller set on transitioning hair or blow dry???
Also, as a transitioner should I try co-washing?

I can honestly say I have never tried it before and I wonder if it will do more harm then good as I don't quite have a hold on taking care of 9+week post hair. I bought some cheap V05 Split End conditioner that I read is a good one to co-wash with.

How would I work that into my regiment?

I try to wash on Sat or Sun but now I am in the middle of the week. Regardless though, I do want to know if I wash weekly, how many days after a shampoo wash would I co-wash?

I have BSL relaxed hair to deal with as well.

Am I right that co-washing is as follows:
Put conditioner on wet hair, work into hair and scalp, baggie for 5-15mins, then rinse out and proceed as normal???

Help pls - I'm so cluless on how to make this work! :)
I don't rollerset so I honestly cannot answer that question.

Ok. This is my third time typing a response and I'm quite pissed because my computer keeps deleting everything so I'm sorry but I can't keep giving in-depth responses only for my cursor to move and delete everything. I will bump the co-washing and ceramide challenges for you and you can do a general search of co-washing. I don't co-wash like that because anything other than shampoo or oils on my scalp will cause it to itch. I just rinse my hair thoroughly and apply conditioner to the length of my hair and rinse after my shower. You can co-wash as frequent or infrequent as you want.

I also think you should read the transitioners support thread and transitioning without the bc thread in its entirety if you have time.
i'm not the best at regimen advice since i'm still figuring mine out but i can answer the rollerset vs. blow dryer question. And i'll answer whatever other questions I can. this might be long lol

One style that i did a lot during maybe a month was rollerset fros-i have photos in my profile- ignore the edges which were not gelled down haha but yeah i think it's better than blowdrying. you don't have to make a fro but you could rollerset it and comb it to do whatever style you like. unless you feel comfortable using heat on your new growth and aren't afraid of heat damage then maybe it's ok (or you may end up heat trained- huge debate on whether or not that is heat damage but look it up and make your own decisions- if you like it, maybe you can just keep getting your hair blowdried or flat-ironed until you are at a good length for you then you can cut off the relaxed ends) but one thing that i learned from the ladies on the board was to generally stay away from heat unless you know what you're doing. some women blow dry their hair on cool though.

Co-washing- yes you just wash your hair with conditioner. i never used to put my shower cap on when i did it. I also used to rinse all of it out but some people leave a little in (they wash off about 90% of the product). I don't cowash because it doesn't provide any benefits for me anymore but it is very moisturizing. works on relaxed hair and natural hair so should be good for your transition. maybe you can then wet bun? instead of using heat? lilsparkle recently posted about how much growth she saw when she did this
there is a wet bunning challenge out there

and the Silicon DC is amazing!
and let's see, there's a ceramide challenge that I'm on. the thread is on here and it has a full list of ceramides. you can still join the thread. you could use it as a sealant after your cowash and leave in. wheatgerm and hemp seed oil are the most popular ones (the silicon mix has ceramides)

and the last thing- don't give up! this is how i see it- all of the gorgeous heads on here were frustrated at some point as well but they got through it-so can i. imo one of the most important parts of your hair journey is finding hair idols. it's nice to see how far people have come and looking at gorgeous natural hair makes me want it even more.
I'm 15 weeks post and I lose less hair when I detangle first w/detangling spray and put my hair is 4-6 plaits before washing and conditioning.