no appearance of new growth


New Member
this past april i got a relaxer after not having one for 6 months. i thought that my hair would be noticeably longer after being relaxed but it wasn't. that whole six months i clipped my ends maybe once.after getting my hair relaxed it appeared as if i didn't have any new growth at all when clearly there was at least two and a half inches of it before i got the relaxer. what's the reason for this?
Hi Shygurl,

You did get new growth but your hair probably broke off just as quickly as it was growing so after you got it relaxed, your hair wasn't noticeable longer.

Also, 6 months is a long time to wait between relaxer touch-ups. Waiting that long can cause a lot of breakage. What is your hair regime?

probably breakage

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I agree.
Were you careful during those six months? Did you make sure that when you handled your hair that it didn;t break off while you combed it. One of my main problems with breakage was this as well. The difference between the two textures (new growth and previously relaxed hair) can cause it to break off easily.
Make sure you keep your ends moisturized and protected. Before discovering hair boards, my hair was the same length for years despite seeing a decent amount of new growth every 8-10 weeks. I could kick myself for not figuring this out a long time ago!