Nits in Weave Hair Straight Out the Package?


New Member
I'm itching like crazy but somebody on YT said they bought some hair from India and when they received it, it was crawling in nits. Is that possible? Don't they have to clean that stuff first? There's a whole program on this Italian company and how they process the hair etc. I don't have anything particular to say but good grief! :eek2::eek2:
You'd be able to see them, wouldn't you? Take a close look at the hair to see if it really is nits.

i've heard alot of virgin hair can have nits if the vendor doesnt remove them...usually hair that has been processed or hair from the bss dont have nits, but im sure it can happen...thats why you should wash all weave hair BEFORE installing it.
That's nasty! No way I would put some hair with nits on my head...

What in the world? Gross.

Clean them out? :dead:
When I found out about the lice, it made me stop wanting human hair weaves. I wear nothing by synthetic now.
Always wash first. This hair is in factories where who knows what the hygiene and safety requirments are. So why not take the time to wash first. Even to get off the residue from the chemical processing.
yeah.....i used to buy virgin indian hair from india and it would always have nits in it...i would have to do a Rit treatment to it and for safe measures i put the hair in boiling water!!! haha
Points well-taken, ladies. I think the girl who received it cussed out the company lol! But it is a thought that it's possible to receive such crap. Awful.
yeah.....i used to buy virgin indian hair from india and it would always have nits in it...i would have to do a Rit treatment to it and for safe measures i put the hair in boiling water!!! haha

OMG!!!! So Virgin means they don't have to clean the stuff? Dang! Has anyone seen that Indian documentary of the Italian company processing hair? It goes through vats of cleaning etc. WTH are some of these folks doing? If I want nits, I'll dreadloc my own and be filthy. I don't need somebody else's dang nits. Pour some Listerine on that stuff or sumpthin'. :nono:
Nits are dead lice but as a safety precaution always wash (not co-wash) the hair before installing on your head. Usually raw hair will have nits if the company doesn't cleanse before shipping but on rare occassions, processed hair will have nits.

The majority of virgin indian hair guessed it! India. India isn't exactly the cleanest place on earth and the people that the hair is coming from are usually very poor...they all have lice.

So, at times, especially if you are getting virgin hair even after washing and wefting you might have nits. It's a good indication that you are actually getting VIRGIN hair. They are simple to remove.

PLEASE if this happens to anyone reading, do NOT call companies and curse them out. This is the nature of the business. If you aren't ready for that get processed non virgin hair or stick to the crap at the bss.
Roux, why the sigh? We all don't know everything and many are new to the world of weave. I think it's important for people to understand that they could be getting hair with nits in them. I am new to tracks and never have heard of this but I can see where it's possible.

BTW, to the general comments, nits are not dead lice, they are the eggs of the lice. It's a precaution one must know.
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I did not know this was so common. I thought it was a one off.

On another note, there are some sweeping general statements up in this here thread...,,,
They are buying the hair before it's cleaned and processed. It's cheaper that way. There is a possibility that there will be nits. I wouldn't buy it though. :barf:
People want virgin hair so bad that they willingly purchase hair with nits. Disgusting.

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Yeah I use wagmans but the processed kind. I still wash and comb it before my install.I have heard the virgin one tends to have nits in and i refuse to pay for something knowing i could get a batch with nits in it. They say that the virgin hair is better and on bhm they even have tutorials of how to clean the nits thank you m'am i'm good.
Nits are in actuality eggs..awaiting life!

Nits are dead lice but as a safety precaution always wash (not co-wash) the hair before installing on your head. Usually raw hair will have nits if the company doesn't cleanse before shipping but on rare occassions, processed hair will have nits.
I learn something new everyday. The thought that human hair weave could have nits in it never occured to me. Wow, I'm speechless.

Maybe thats why some women are always tapping their heads when they got their weave in. (couldn't resist this joke)
Icant believe anyone would be willing to purchase hair with bug eggs in it just to have a weave. Why not just get good quality synthetic hair thats clean?
Oh wow! That is disgusting. There was an outbreak of lice at the school I work at and I swear my scalp itched from the minute I heard it until about 2 months after the outbreak was its back after reading this.:nono::spinning: