Nioxin Follicle booster users: question...

I just bought the Nioxin follicle booster last week and i used it a couple of times on apart of my scalp i paranoidly :lol: suspected thinning from tight braid extensions,, anyway,, i only wash my hair once weekly and the direcs say to apply twice a day,, does anyone use this twice a day without washing it off,,, i typically wear my hair in a straight style so i dont wet it either,, also does anyone use it all over their scalp just to stimulate growth,, im considering doing this
I am curious as well. I couldn't decide to get the booster or just the nixoin recharging vitamins. I couldn't find much on the board on the booster so I got the recharging vitamins instead.
......for any reviews on this product. did the follicle booster work for you? I'm looking for something to help this pesky thin spot.
I use it 2x a day without washing as advised by a friend who works for the company. I have to admit I was skeptical about using it with the cost of the product so my mother tried it first. My mother had a severe chemical burn many years ago which destroyed the hair follicles. She has had everything from topical medications to steriod injections. When she revisited me 3 weeks later I was SHOCKED! She had grown hair in this area in 3 WEEKS. Her bald spot had been reduced by about 60%.
I have some androgenic alopecia due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome so my hair at the crown is very thin (think male pattern baldenss). After seeing her results I purchased the product immediately and have been using it for the last 2 months. Now granted, I do go a few days without putting it on because I have the memory of an inchworm, but the growth I have had has been surreal. I wish I had taken before pictures on both my mother and myself as proof. Now I will say that if you get regular relaxers you will not be happy with a bunch of new growth in spots and it's just too expensive to use all over your head, but it is sooooo worth the price if you have areas that are thining.
Also, if you have breakage or shedding, the shampoo is awsome! I have stopped my excessive shedding by shampooing twice a week with the shampoo. If you are consistent with using the shampoo you are guranteed to stop excessive shedding. I'm not fond of the conditioners as they don't give me enough moisture or slip. I'm surprised more people on the boards do not use their products.

BTW, my mother uses it twice a day and washes her hair once a week to every ten days. I only wash more frequently to use the shampoo on a regular basis and stop my crazy sheadding.
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