Nikos - "Thanks" for posting?


New Member
I was wondering if you had considered adding the "Thanks" feature to the boards? Are you familiar w/this feature? I've seen it on other boards w/this format, and think it would be nice to use to show accord with someone posts w/o having to post something ourselves. There are plenty of potentially controversial (or just important!) threads going on, and sometimes I don't want to have to post. I'd rather just thank the person who stated my opinion much more eloquently than I could at the moment, y'know?

Do you think that would be something we could have in the future, or do you think it would cause a stir among the ladies here?


I've never seen the function. Aren't you able to just type "Thanks for posting" in the thread or something to that effect? I am clueless so can you give more insight because I'm being nosey right now :grin:
I've never seen the function. Aren't you able to just type "Thanks for posting" in the thread or something to that effect? I am clueless so can you give more insight because I'm being nosey right now :grin:

Yeah, I prolly could but I'm lazy :look:

Basically, when ppl "thank" your post, you get rep points, which is why I thought that Nikos may not add it, as popularity may be an issue w/some folks. I would give you a link to a forum that does this to give an example but I don't want to inadvertently advertise someone else's site, so I won't:nono: