Nikos - PM limit


New Member
Hi Nikos,

First - thank you SO MUCH for all of your hard work with the board. I know we don't thank you enough for all the time you put in. That notwithstanding, we DO appreciate you! :)

Now - I'm over my PM limit and I want to purge my box, but it seems to be set up that you can only delete PM's one at a time. How do I delete them in batches? I know you can select several at a time by clicking the box that corresponds to the group for that week or month, but I can't find a delete button anywhere except in the actualy messages themselves - suggesting that they need to be done one by one. Is this the case? And if not, how doI delete batches of PM's?

Thanks in advance.....

You can select as many as you can and at the bottom of the list, there's a drop down menu where you can choose to delete the selected. :)
What you do is… All the way at the top where it says “PRIVATE MESSAGES IN FOLDER” There is a tiny box on the right hand side where it has a number and a box. click that little box [] and it will check all the boxes… Then go to the bottom of the page where it says selected messages click the arrow and put it on delete. Click Go.. and it deletes that page of messages.