Nikos' Cousin Spotted..But Too Shy to Say Hi


Well-Known Member
Dontspeakdefeat...I (think) you were on my cruise in June. I wanted to say hi but I was too shy:look:. Real whack because we were stuck on that ship for a WHOLE week. :lachen:Oh well, you had an awesome figure BTW.

So :hiya:

Any other ladies spot one of your cousins (another LHCF member) but you were too shy too say HI too?

Let them know now!
Aww you should have spoke. Dontspeakdefeat is so nice. I had the pleasure of meeting her back in 2008. She's super cool.
All the way in June, lol?! You were definitely shy. I would have said hi, she seems like a very down to earth person.
I wish...Girl, no...I would definitely speak...Everytime I see someone with healthy, long hair, I'm tempted to go up to them and ask if they are a Nikos' cousin...but I can understand the shyness...
if the person was in close proximity, i think I would probably chat with them...but unless we meet at a beauty supply store, i doubt that I'll ask if the person is a Nikos cousin. i cant make any guarantees though :lol: ... but so far, i dont think i've met anyone that i recognized as a cousin :nono:
Dontspeakdefeat...I (think) you were on my cruise in June. I wanted to say hi but I was too shy:look:. Real whack because we were stuck on that ship for a WHOLE week. :lachen:Oh well, you had an awesome figure BTW.

So :hiya:

Any other ladies spot one of your cousins (another LHCF member) but you were too shy too say HI too?

Let them know now!
Awwww. Thanks!

It would have been nice to see one of my hair sisters on vacation. It really is a small world. Why didn't you say Hi. It would have been fun!! Well next time don't be so shy. I hope you had fun on your vacay. I sure did!!!
What does Nikos' Cousin mean?

Thank you so much for asking that! I'd seen threads that mentioned "Nikos' cousin this," or "Nikos' cousin that" and was thinking "Who the heck is Niko?" I thought it was some famous person I'd never heard of or something!

I was just going to accept the fact that I was out of the loop on that one! :look: :lol:
Awwww. Thanks!

It would have been nice to see one of my hair sisters on vacation. It really is a small world. Why didn't you say Hi. It would have been fun!! Well next time don't be so shy. I hope you had fun on your vacay. I sure did!!!

Because I suck. :lachen: That's why.

I had a blast on that cruise. I needed to relax and I sure did.

Well, next time...I wont be so bashful.:yep:
I thought I saw pretty dimples at an Orlando hair show October 31, 2010. I was very close in proximity. I asked, "are you Niko's cousin?" and the young lady answered, "what? who?" LOL... I was a little nervous, but hey, at least I asked.
Thank you so much for asking that! I'd seen threads that mentioned "Nikos' cousin this," or "Nikos' cousin that" and was thinking "Who the heck is Niko?" I thought it was some famous person I'd never heard of or something!

I was just going to accept the fact that I was out of the loop on that one! :look: :lol:

LOL. If you scroll to the very bottom of any page (I think), Nikos Dimopoulos maintains the techie side of the site. He's awesome - always really polite and helpful. Since LHCF is a big family, we're all his cousins lol.