Nikos' cousin moment

Mizz Diamonds

Well-Known Member
So today I met one of Nikos cousin's!

It was at school had some free time after finishing an essay and decided to look on the forums then one girl in my class sitting next to me looks over and was

Her: Oh you go on the forums too, my family is always on that.
Me: :grin: (yes i had a big dumb smile on my face and looking like a god damn fool)
Her:Yeah I'm protective styling with this weave my hair is APL I just lurk. So when you were saying you cut your hair did you BC?

Yeah just thought I'd share that everyone goes on about having met Nikos' cousin and I met one so yay!! Didn't think it would happen so soon after I decided to stop lurking my own self
Oh wow! I can't wait until that happens to me. I just need to start asking when I see someone with gorgeous hair!
Look at the bottom of your screen. Nikos maintains this site. It says this:

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Site Maintenance Nikos Dimopoulos
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Look at the bottom of your screen. Nikos maintains this site. It says this:

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Copyright ©2000 - 2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

Copyright © 2003-2008, Long Hair Care Forum, LLC
Site Maintenance Nikos Dimopoulos
Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion - Makeup & Skin Care Forum - Health and Fitness Forum - Fashion Forum - Christian Fellowship Forum

Lol, don't think I've ever scrolled down THAT far.:rolleyes: Thanks for the info.
I haven't meet one yet, but I lady (she has rather long hair) I work with has a daughter who is in hair school. She was telling me what her daughter does to her hair with "kitchen ingredients" and I told her she did n't learn that in shcool. I figured she lurks here or one of the other sites.
Congrats. I once thought I met a Nikos' cousin but it was a false alarm.
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I saw a girl on it at school. I pretended not to see though - I prefer remaining incognito lol. I was on a flight last month and was seriously gonna ask the flight attendant if she was one. Her hair was stunning!
I don't know where the name came from, but it apparently means a fellow LHCF'er.

Yes that's exactly what it means. I don't remember who came up with it, but there was a post where everyone was trying to come up with a way to "recognize" each other, and that's how it came about. I just gave the site to a couple of girls I hope they join, I told them to say they met Nikko's cousin :grin:
I have seen a few that I thought might be but was to shy to go ask. I was seriously considering asking so I could take a picture of their hair and post it.
Look at the bottom of your screen. Nikos maintains this site. It says this:

Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.4
Copyright ©2000 - 2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

Copyright © 2003-2008, Long Hair Care Forum, LLC
Site Maintenance Nikos Dimopoulos
Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion - Makeup & Skin Care Forum - Health and Fitness Forum - Fashion Forum - Christian Fellowship Forum
Yeah, he helps Beverly maintain the site. He used to post for a bit in the Off Topic Forum, and there were even pictures of him at one of the LHCF meet-ups a long time ago. He's pretty funny, and it's a shame he doesn't post anymore apparently.

How bout it Nikos? Come out of lurk mode once more and say hi. :)
Isn't there a better way to phrase this question?

Anyhow, cute story OP!

Didnt know it was that serious anywhooo i simply asked that because for the longest i kept reading about Nikos cousin with no explanation and now this is the last straw i wanted to know who or what it is
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I thought I met one in the grocery store the other day...Her hair was to die for.. :drool: I told her her hair was beautiful but I couldn't work up the nerve to ask if she is a cuz lol I'm so shy....I saw a chica today that had some fierce hair going on but I coudln't get close enough to talk to her...

but awesome OP! lol we need a keychain or a handsign or something :lachen:
every time i go to whole foods i wanna ask all the black women i see if they are because apparently this is the black women with pretty hair/protective styles whole foods, because that's all i see here.
I don't know where the name came from, but it apparently means a fellow LHCF'er.

How's your hair doing since your bc. I also bc back in May. I maintaining my twa, but ready for a straight look. My hair curls too quickly or should I correctly state gets tangled and ouch. check out my fotki
