Nikos, can we have a place in our profile to post our regimen?


New Member
Is it possible to get an area added to our profiles (a simple text box of a couple hundred characters or so) for the purpose of listing our regimens? I ask because sometimes I go to a member's profile and am curious about what they use. I know I can just ask them, but if I'm asking I'm sure they've been asked many times by other people as well. It would save them the hassle of having to answer every time someone asks. Seems like the addition of that information to the profile would make sense.

That's a good idea but I think that might come with an increase in membership due to bandwidth. He might just say use you integrated blog.
That's a good idea but I think that might come with an increase in membership due to bandwidth. He might just say use you integrated blog.

I was just talking about a text field in the "About Me" area of the Profile. Just a text box. No extra bandwidth required.
ILYandY: Yep, that is correct - use the integrated blog..... BUT!!! you can also go to:

User CP -> Edit Details -> scroll at the bottom.

The field will hold 200 characters so use them as you please.

For anything bigger, go to the blog and post it there or the forum itself.

Enjoy :)

PS: ILYandY yeah it will impact bandwidth but we will be OK.
ILYandY: Yep, that is correct - use the integrated blog..... BUT!!! you can also go to:

User CP -> Edit Details -> scroll at the bottom.

The field will hold 200 characters so use them as you please.

For anything bigger, go to the blog and post it there or the forum itself.

Enjoy :)

PS: ILYandY yeah it will impact bandwidth but we will be OK.

Thank you!