Nikkos, Tech Question


New Member
Okay, I think I have to get a new computer because as IU type right now, there is literally about a 30 second delay before the words show up. What does that mean?

The next question is, I want to post some pics on the web at a site, but when I post the URL all I get is a red x in a white box. I forgot what that means. How can I avoid that? Any help would be appreciated. Than ks!
Hi Tara,

The delay you are experiencing is most probably caused my an incorrect installation of Java in your machine. If this is the only site you see this then this must be the reason. If however you see it in all other sites/forums then you might want to reinstall your OS before going and spending money on a new PC.

As for the picture question, the X means that the picture cannot be displayed. Many sites on the internet disallow you to cross link images because effectively you are stealing their bandwidth. Yahoo and Tripod have managed to get specific scripts that do not appear as valid pictures unless you are logged in or visiting their site. If you are sure that your picture location is OK then you must see that it ends up with .gif, .png or .jpg and it doesn't have any questionmarks or ambersands in the url.

Hi nikos,
I think I'm having a similar problem. Whenever I click on one of the girls links, I can's see any of their pictures if it's a yahoo photo album. Do I have a setting that needs to change?

