Night hair


Reclaiming my time
I rarely have problems with my hair *knocking three times on wood* but I think it's really hard to find a good way to wear my hair at night. Is it possible to go to bed without looking like someone's granny???

I have tried two braids or twists but they are like sleeping on rocks and they slap my face when I toss and turn, a low bun (which makes the hair look best in the morning) is impossible because then I have to sleep on the sides only, a high bun is so ugly I refuse to do it LOL.
Nowadays I braid a very loose braid and fold it under and cover with a hairnet. It makes soft waves in the morning, but I look hideous at night. And it doesn't feel 100% comfortable when I lie on my back.

What do you girls do?
I just leave my hair out and sleep on a satin pillowcase. I am too lazy to tie my hair down; and, it makes my hair flat, leading to more manipulation in the morning [once more confirming my laziness...]. I have had no breakage from sleeping this way.
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I have yet to find a way to wear my natural hair for sleeping that is attractive and protective. My typical method is to wear a satin bonnet over whatever hair style my hair is in.
I still pin my hair up in about 4 braids, then wear a silk or satin scarf over it to bed. My braids look like a style, in case I have to answer the door or something.
I was gonna post this question earlier today

I see that you guys braid your hair, but what suggestions do you have for people who have relaxed hair that want to wear their hair straight the next day (not wavy from the braids)?
I either wrap or bun my hair and tie it down with a scarf... Not the prettiest thing in the world but my man knows the deal. :lol:
I make no attempt to look cute when I sleep. We've been together 5 years, he knows I need my satin scarf. If he wants cute, he knows to catch me before I laydown to actually sleep.
carrie said:
I make no attempt to look cute when I sleep. We've been together 5 years, he knows I need my satin scarf. If he wants cute, he knows to catch me before I laydown to actually sleep.

:lol: Ditto! We've been together almost 10 years. He's seen me at my best and my worst. Cute comes before bedtime.
carrie said:
I make no attempt to look cute when I sleep. We've been together 5 years, he knows I need my satin scarf. If he wants cute, he knows to catch me before I laydown to actually sleep.

Yep! Cute at all other times, but NOT when I lay me down to sleep . . .
Same here, not too cut- I put on a satin scarf after wrapping my hair and I need another scarf to keep the satin one from coming off. My honey (hubby) has never complained in 8 years:)
I think men know the deal. They have grown up with their momma's and sisters' wearing scarfs to bed and around the house. I think it's more us than them...
baglady215 said:
I think men know the deal. They have grown up with their momma's and sisters' wearing scarfs to bed and around the house. I think it's more us than them...
EXACTLY!! The first time I slept over my SO's house, he got a concerned look on his face when we got got ready for bed and asked "don't you need to wrap your hair or put on a scarf?" :lachen:
lol. this is a funny post. Well my fiance is nice enough to 'claim' that my satin wrap doesn't bother him at all. I try to at least put the satin scarf on my hair and tie it in the front, then tuck all the ends of the scarf underneath so it looks somewhat decent. Anyways as for how i wear my hair at nite, I comb my hair to the back, then i'll part it down the back-middle with my fingers. Then i'll take the left hair and smooth it to the right side of my head, then i'll take the right hair and smooth it to the left side of my head. So basically it's 2 wraps, the left wrapping to the right, and the right wrapping to the left. (hope it makes sense) This way i get absolutely no bends or waves in my hair. I put my scarf on (this is the tricky part cause you have to keep one hand on you head so your hair won't come unwrapped, then lay the scarf on your head with the other hand.) My hair is totally flat and slightly bumped on the ends in the back of my head. After trying many different night styles...this definitely how i get the best results. and it's superfast.
Mizani_Mrs said:
Anyways as for how i wear my hair at nite, I comb my hair to the back, then i'll part it down the back-middle with my fingers. Then i'll take the left hair and smooth it to the right side of my head, then i'll take the right hair and smooth it to the left side of my head. So basically it's 2 wraps, the left wrapping to the right, and the right wrapping to the left. (hope it makes sense) This way i get absolutely no bends or waves in my hair. I put my scarf on (this is the tricky part cause you have to keep one hand on you head so your hair won't come unwrapped, then lay the scarf on your head with the other hand.) My hair is totally flat and slightly bumped on the ends in the back of my head. After trying many different night styles...this definitely how i get the best results. and it's superfast.

MM, do you overlap your hair in the front? I get what you're saying but I can't picture it. Wouldn't the two sides meet in the middle in the front of your head? What do you do with that hair? :perplexed
When I was with my ex, I used to sleep with my hair in a loose bun and wearing a poofy satin bonnet. At first he used to laugh at my night time rituals but then he got used to it. Sometimes when I would nod off without it, he would try to put it on my head without waking me up.

Over the years I've found better methods for night hair. I think if you put your hair in a loose bun at the nape of your neck, making a flat spiral pattern, it makes it easier to sleep on your back. Also getting (or sewing) a satin pillowcase would eliminate the need for a scarf or bonnet.
To those ladies who use a satin pillowcase:

Do you find that the pillowcase gets greasy from the hair moisturizers you use? I don't mean a huge grease spot on my pillow :lol: :lol: I ask because I'm concerned about contact with my skin while I sleep, don't need fabulous looking hair and a pimple on my cheek :lachen:
scoobygirl said:
When I was with my ex, I used to sleep with my hair in a loose bun and wearing a poofy satin bonnet. At first he used to laugh at my night time rituals but then he got used to it. Sometimes when I would nod off without it, he would try to put it on my head without waking me up.

That's so cute! :lol:
Mizani_Mrs said:
lol. this is a funny post. Well my fiance is nice enough to 'claim' that my satin wrap doesn't bother him at all. I try to at least put the satin scarf on my hair and tie it in the front, then tuck all the ends of the scarf underneath so it looks somewhat decent. Anyways as for how i wear my hair at nite, I comb my hair to the back, then i'll part it down the back-middle with my fingers. Then i'll take the left hair and smooth it to the right side of my head, then i'll take the right hair and smooth it to the left side of my head. So basically it's 2 wraps, the left wrapping to the right, and the right wrapping to the left. (hope it makes sense) This way i get absolutely no bends or waves in my hair. I put my scarf on (this is the tricky part cause you have to keep one hand on you head so your hair won't come unwrapped, then lay the scarf on your head with the other hand.) My hair is totally flat and slightly bumped on the ends in the back of my head. After trying many different night styles...this definitely how i get the best results. and it's superfast.

Yup Yup
I do something like this.
Either I do the dooby wrap w/o bobby pins. or its parted in middle hanging straight down. I smooth both sides. Wrap satin scarf around it with back hanging out. Then put bonnet over it. Next morning hair straight and smooth with nice bump.
all my men have seen my scarf.
I can look cute for the men 1st nite but after that hair comes Scarf goes on.
Thank you ladies for your responses. I guess I just have to face the fact that "cute comes before bedtime" LOL :D
What up BL. ok so picture you parting your hair down the middle like you were to wear 2 ponytails towards the back of your head. smoothe the left ponytail (of course don't actually put it in a ponytail) down to the back of your head and wrap it around to the right of your head. and wrap the right ponytail around to the left of your head. (sorta criss-cross wrap). My hair is collarbone length so when i do this, the left ponytail/wrap reaches right in front of my right ear. and vice versa. Basically you can do it right now. just part your hair with your hands, then wrap the left hair to the right and the right hair to the left. this is exactly what i do, but the only thing is i'll comb both sides first to smoothe it, then i'll wrap with my hands.

i hope u get the gist of it. So when u comb it out, the back/sides is slightly bumped. it's very simple and like i said, this is the only way that i can style my hair at night so i can get up in the morning and rake a comb thru my hair like 5 times then i'm done!

baglady215 said:
MM, do you overlap your hair in the front? I get what you're saying but I can't picture it. Wouldn't the two sides meet in the middle in the front of your head? What do you do with that hair? :perplexed
okay, so now i get your question. :look: Yes, if your hair is long enough, the ends of each wrap would meet in the front. You would simply wrap the left side and let ends rest like at the front/crown of your head. then wrap the right side so that the ends rest at the front/edges of your hair. (so the ends would be parallel to eachother)
Like i said, it's very easy...i don't have to do a perfect wrap. i just comb back my hair to smoothe then i'll grab the hair with my hands and wrap around, then put the scarf on. the scarf will keep them smoothed. hope this helps!

baglady215 said:
MM, do you overlap your hair in the front? I get what you're saying but I can't picture it. Wouldn't the two sides meet in the middle in the front of your head? What do you do with that hair? :perplexed
Great thread!

I sleep w/ a satin bonnet on my head. I need to graduate to the satin scarf after I learn how to tie it on my head, correctly.