Niece Spinal Surgery 2/7/09: Please Pray for her


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:

My niece will be undergoing spinal surgery tomorrow for a tethered (spinal) cord issue. While my sister was pregnant with her, she was hit by a car, and the impact of the car hitting my sister caused my sister's stomach to hit the steering wheel. She has something similar to spinal bifida (sp?)

The placenta detached. The doctors knew this, and when my niece was born, she was very small (only about 5.5 pounds), but the doctors thought she was perfectly healthy. However, there were signs of her having a tethered cord, and apparently, the doctors missed this (mongolian birth mark, hairy shoulders and a few other things).

Had they caught this when she was born or soon after, it would have been a simple procedure. However, they didn't catch it for a year and a half, and now she is two, and may have to deal with this for the rest of her life.

I know my niece is a warrior and that God is only using this to strengthen her and our family. However, I admit that I worry for her. I know that fear is the opposite of faith and that God expects us all to have faith, but when it's someone you love so much, you only want the best for them.

My darling niece is the closest thing to a daughter I have and she means the world to me. She has the intelligence/cognizance of a 4-5 year old, even though she is two and to spend time with her each day is absolute joy! Please keep her and our family in your prayers!
Hi Sweet Coco, :grouphug2:

The love you have for your precious neice is the reason God is going to heal and protect her.

I believe this with all of my heart.

For if God was willing to save a 'city' which was an abomination to Him for the sake of Abraham; and if God was willing to spare the children of Isreal in spite of their much more will He not be willing and will most surely save your neice who is without sin or rebellion. a little darling angel who loves Him. God needs her more here on earth to give Him glory than He does in Heaven.

Therefore believe and receive the promises of God to guard all that is yours, no matter what.

I love you Coco're still my favorite lawyer and my precious sister in the Lord and in 'Blackness'.

With all my heart...:grouphug2:
:pray: may she have a successful procedure, and speedy recovery. :bighug:
please let us know how she is recovering.
I'm praying for speedy recovery for your beautiful niece and peace of mind to you, your sister, and the whole family

Hug and Kiss your baby
Thank you everyone for your prayers and PM's. My niece is finally home, after spending 5 days in the hospital. The doctors made a small incision in her lower spine. There are still stitches and she is walking wobbly.

She had an appointment today with her pediatrician, who said that it looks like it's supposed to (it's got a small bubble at the top, but she said that should disappear soon).

Also, she will have an appointment with the gastro-doc next week, to make sure that her nerves aren't completely destroyed. She has lost some of her nerves (meaning some have died), and this was one of the reasons they had to remove the tethered chord (spinal). She couldn't tell when she had to go to the bathroom, and it would cause her great stomach pain, b/c the bowel movement would be sitting inside her for a few days, just going up her intestine to her tummy, and when her tummy would hurt, she would then go, and it strained some of her nerves so bad b/c she pushed so hard, they died.

I will try to post some pics of her spine so you can see (don't want to gross anyone out!

Again, thank you ladies:kiss::hug: