::Nice Site::KCM.org


Well-Known Member
So, I was watching this minister on TV, the word was pretty good..., I intially went to site to get the salvation package but came across all the information that it has... I thought I would share...

Tonight I am gonna start with the reading the bible in a month section... >> HERE

They also have a nother section that deals with Real Life problems, referencing the bible... >> HERE... Select topics from upper right to go to that section... The section listed is on finance...
So, I was watching this minister on TV, the word was pretty good..., I intially went to site to get the salvation package but came across all the information that it has... I thought I would share...

Tonight I am gonna start with the reading the bible in a month section... >> HERE

They also have a nother section that deals with Real Life problems, referencing the bible... >> HERE... Select topics from upper right to go to that section... The section listed is on finance...

If I type "no comment" is that really like leaving a comment?:perplexed
If I type "no comment" is that really like leaving a comment?:perplexed

OIC. ITA w/ Momi. I guess it is good that KC can be useful to someone though. If someone can accept Jesus via KCM then I'll allow it (his doctrine is shaky). KCM is where Creflo was spawned from.
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Anjel - Kenneth Copeland is controversial in a lot of Christian circles.. however, I did try to look at the site with an unbiased eye and thought a lot of the articles were encouraging..

A lot of times we can focus on one piece of doctrine we don't like about a minister/ministry and not look at the big picture and hold fast to the good they may be doing/preaching.. I've been guilty of doing that myself.

So, I was watching this minister on TV, the word was pretty good..., I intially went to site to get the salvation package but came across all the information that it has... I thought I would share...

Tonight I am gonna start with the reading the bible in a month section... >> HERE

They also have a nother section that deals with Real Life problems, referencing the bible... >> HERE... Select topics from upper right to go to that section... The section listed is on finance...
Anjel - Kenneth Copeland is controversial in a lot of Christian circles.. however, I did try to look at the site with an unbiased eye and thought a lot of the articles were encouraging..

A lot of times we can focus on one piece of doctrine we don't like about a minister/ministry and not look at the big picture and hold fast to the good they may be doing/preaching.. I've been guilty of doing that myself.

That is why I refrained from comment... once the ball gets rolling I find it difficult to stop. :look:

I am not sure if certain ministries do more harm than good. I have heard the testimonies of many who have found The Lord under Word of Faith ministries and I am in NO position to judge their salvation experience; however scripture warns us to beware:

1 Timothy 6

If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
6But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

This is not a Christian site - only a Christian forum and I just want to be careful not to discourage any new believers by unhealthy debate. Sorry about hijacking your thread :spinning:
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Great Scripture....:yep:

What false doctrine is Copeland teaching?

That is why I refrained from comment... once the ball gets rolling I find it difficult to stop. :look:

I am not sure if certain ministries do more harm than good. I have heard the testimonies of many who have found The Lord under Word of Faith ministries and I am in NO position to judge their salvation experience; however scripture warns us to beware:

1 Timothy 6

If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
6But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

This is not a Christian site - only a Christian forum and I just want to be careful not to discourage any new believers by unhealthy debate. Sorry about hijacking your thread :spinning:
So, I was watching this minister on TV, the word was pretty good..., I intially went to site to get the salvation package but came across all the information that it has... I thought I would share...

Tonight I am gonna start with the reading the bible in a month section... >> HERE

They also have a nother section that deals with Real Life problems, referencing the bible... >> HERE... Select topics from upper right to go to that section... The section listed is on finance...

I'm glad you found this website and for many, many good reasons. The 'negative' aspects I won't get into, at least not now.

Let me share this. When I was a 'babe' in Christ, it was this Minstry that 'grew' me in the Lord in more ways than one. I learned from them and I learned well. God showed me what to believe and what not to, meaning that I was able to pull from the good of this Ministry and pull 'away' from that which did not deem agreeable.

It was this Ministry that God allowed me to be grounded in Him and it soared my faith above every single challenge that I had in life. KCM wasn't always like it is now. But in the way it was when I was growing with the Lord, I became stronger by way of Jesus Christ.

Angel, there are some things that we are just meant to learn from. I don't have the words to explain it, but it will bear witness in your spirit.

I'm sitting here at my desk remembering when the doctor's told my sister that she would have to 'abort' her baby, due to the growths in her uterus (fibroids) and my faith had been so built up in the healing power of God that, my nephew was NOT aborted, and is now one of the most beautiful blessings God has ever delivered to me. And 3 years later, my sister delivered a baby girl. Her womb was opened and it was because of prayer, built upon faith which would not be denied.

I have so much that I can share, so, so, very much, but it's too much to post. But let me tell you, that you have not done anything wrong by sharing this website. God has something for you here. And you will 'know' it when you 'see' it. You will not miss the blessings.

The most important thing that I've learned is to develop my personal relationhip with the Lord, one on one. To stay in prayer, to stay in communication with the Lord, and to stay in God's word, our Bible. And to be in a good Church with a good Pastor and there are many.

What what I've learned from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jerry Savelle, Fred Price and a host of others, I will never consider it a lost nor a waste of my life or time. The faith that I have, devils don't mess with me. I don't back down when I'm challenged, I stand boldly proclaiming the word of God and standing upon Him who is my God.

What I didn't learn from my parents and grandparents, God allowed me to learn others, but most of all from the Holy Spirit. When reading or listening from these men and women in Ministry, we have to be able to rightly discern what is from God and what is from 'flesh'. And the Holy Spirit will indeed teach you.

So, do not be hindered from learning. Put your heart and soul into the heart of Jesus and getting to 'know' Him and not man.

Again, you've done nothing wrong in sharing this site. There are some rich golden nuggets within many of these messages. Just ask God to show you; and He will by the Holy Spirit.

You are much better 'here' than seeking the false gods of the loa (laws of attraction), Budda, and whatever else. I know about KCM and I know what to learn from.

I'm glad you found this website and for many, many good reasons. The 'negative' aspects I won't get into, at least not now.

Let me share this. When I was a 'babe' in Christ, it was this Minstry that 'grew' me in the Lord in more ways than one. I learned from them and I learned well. God showed me what to believe and what not to, meaning that I was able to pull from the good of this Ministry and pull 'away' from that which did not deem agreeable.

It was this Ministry that God allowed me to be grounded in Him and it soared my faith above every single challenge that I had in life. KCM wasn't always like it is now. But in the way it was when I was growing with the Lord, I became stronger by way of Jesus Christ.


Thanks Sister Shimmie... your words are always full of grace and tact. Not sure if I will ever master this art or if that is even in His plan for me. I can be so direct and blunt that often people are wounded (even though that is not my intent). :ohwell: I would like to know others take on this... I know our words are to be seasoned with salt, but is everyone meant to deal with things in such a delicate manner?
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Thanks Sister Shimmie... your words are always full of grace and tact. Not sure if I will ever master this art or if that is even in His plan for me. I can be so direct and blunt that often people are wounded (even though that is not my intent). :ohwell: I would like to know others take on this... I know our words are to be seasoned with salt, but is everyone meant to deal with things in such a delicate manner?
:grouphug2: Momi, you have wonderful tact and you are most definitely full of grace which is why God has placed you in the order of being a Pastor's wife and the very wife for your husband and his Ministry.

One day, I will privately share with you, many things for I have been with the very leaders of so many of these Ministries for a long time. You would be among the 'few' that I could share about them with because you have the Grace to take it for what it is and you also have the discernment and the wisdom to allow the Holy Spirit to speak his truth to you.

I've travelled nationally to many of their conferences, I've met them personally, I've had conversations with several of them and I've gotten to see the 'human' side which isn't always on camera.

In my previous Church, my Pastor there, speare headed a powerful Ministry to which these very Ministers came and ministered to our congregation. From Carlton Pearson (he was a 'regular' and even 'family' to us), and where he is today spiritually is a total heartbreak. Zachary Tims (Orlando and Kissimmee, FL) and also a frequent host on TBN, we 'grew' up in the same Church; the very same Church and Pastor who was able to bring these Ministers on TV into our Church. Many of the members in our Church are still with Zach in Orlando, one of whom is a very close Minister friend / sister that I've known for years.

Jakes, Fred Price, Rod Parsley, Zig Ziegler, Alvin Slaughter, Mark Chirona, Benny Hinn, his brother Henry Hinn, Stephanie Mills, Norval Hayes, Jessee Duplantis, Miles Monroe, Turnell Nelson, Noel Jones, Mike Murdock, all of the Winans, Jackie McCullough, Helen Baylor... I'll be typing names for weeks.

Momi, the pressure and the stigma is no joke. The annointing flows from them because it is a gift. But you know what? I don't even have to say much more because I know from your post that you've seen much, if not more.

Momi, I will share this. There are some that I wish were not so 'successful' (for want of a better term). Yet God still uses them for there is still yet a great work to be done. But it's mostly done by Pastors such as you and your husband who minister one by one, one on one, with individuals at a level of love that they can feel, understand and receive the love of God coming from you which not too far for them to be touched.

Don't change who you are. We need directness in the body and the boldness to go with it that you surely have. It may very well be you, whom God places before such as these in the limelight to sit them down and be still and bring their focus where it belongs.

Love and hugs... :love2:
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To AnjelLuvsUBabe:

I pray that you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you seek God's knowledge through his Word and his Will for your life. This understanding doesn't come from man or his opinions, but from God himself, through a relationship with Him. He's not an inanimate force but a person. :yep: This is not about US but GOD.

John 14:16, 17, 26; 15:26; 16:7, 8, 13, 14

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth:
for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come. He shall glorify Me ...
John 16:13, 14
If wearing linen is a matter of life and if it’s accessible :

*Do I have to wear cotton because is not a matter of death, or because some wear cotton before wearing linen?

*If I did not find or know about linen and wore cotton in the past, and now I wear linen - and if someone told me about cotton, I believe I would let this person know that there is better than cotton and inform him/her about linen. To him/her to make a choice if she is ready for the linen or if she has to pass by the cotton.
Maybe she wrote about this because God wants someone here to inform her.

It’s not personal, I don't know KCM. My post is related to what it is written in this thread. I just don’t understand. Maybe I am erring, no offense...
Let me say happy new year to all, I am late.