Niacin Really Works!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cami
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I was told by someone to use Niacin as a blood circulating supplement. I tried it today and WOW that stuff really works!! I must admit that I was scared upon the first reaction. My scalp started tingling and my whole body felt really hot. I know it sounds scary but it lasted for about 5 mins. Niacin is used in a lot of hair growth vitamins, I bought the GNC 500 mg. Has this happened to anyone?
It is called a Niacin flush. They have form of niacin you can buy that won't cause this "flush". As to what is going on in your body, I don't really know. Hopefully someone else will elaborate.
Yes I use Niacin also,

I have 100mg of Solgar but I cut it in half. I usually eat before I take it to minimize the flush. In terms of growth I am not sure.

Would this be the same PP bristling action?? My action starts in the ears and proceeds to the scalp area.

I'm pretty sure it's equivalent to PPB bristling, but this stuff is waaayyy more potent!
Yes I agree and it goes all over the body, that is why I cut it in half. I just got back to taking it. Since the thread on PP bristling action I was wondering myself if it was the same or similar as Niacin action. The Niacin has a "heat" to it.

This is where my experimenting stops. I think that any supplement that can increase the blood rate that fast is too sudden and may impact my hear rate. I want growth but I'm not willing to risk my health in order to achieve it.
Hi Ladies!

Please be careful with the Niacin. I have heard that too much will cause heart palpitations and increase in blood pressure. I could have recieved wrong info, but please be careful!

I took this stuff over 7 years ago when a co-worker recommended it prior to a workout. It scared me very badly and I won't take it again. I don't like the feeling of the "heat" that takes over my body.
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Dionne said:
As to what is going on in your body, I don't really know. Hopefully someone else will elaborate.

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Niacin stimulates prostaglandins causing blood vessels to abruptly dilate and fill with blood, hence the flushing. To avoid flushing you can take one aspirin about 30 minutes before taking the niacin (aspirin blocks prostaglandin synthesis).

I would recommend that you not use niacin if you are an insulin-dependent diabetic b/c it raises blood sugar.

Hi Cami,

I've used Niacin since Nov 2002, 500 mg Sundown brand, and I get the flush almost every time. With me, the flush lasts for about 10 minutes, starting with my ears, all over my scalp, then to the rest of my body. I take it when I take all my other supplements, and I've noticed that my skin is buttery smooth and my face is really radiant (glows).

I have what's called 'thin blood' b/c my hands and feet are always cold, so Niacin ensures that I have adequate circulation at least once per day.

As for hair growth, I haven't noticed extraordinary results. My growth rate hasn't sped up or slowed down. For me, it's just piece of mind - I know my scalp is getting the blood flow it needs b/c I get that warm tingling feeling
. Also, since I take it with my other vits, it moves the nutrients to my blood cells along with it. For example, when I take biotin, multi-vit, vit e, etc with Niacin, all of those travel through my system at a fast pace along with the Niacin, feeding my hair follicles, skin cells, etc.

IMO, Niacin works great. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else b/c if it backfires on them, I'll be the one to blame. So...If you are not experiencing ill effects, the choice is yours. Keep in mind that it is a B vitamin, so it's water soluble (you can't overdose - whatever's left over will be excreted) BUT as my label states: "Diabetics should consult a physician prior to taking large does of Niacin."
I'm really glad to read about how many of you are being cautious with this one. Diabetics are not the only ones who should be leery. For most people the niacin flush is indeed harmless, but a niacin flush can send someone to the hospital emergency room with palpitations, a throbbing head ready to explode and plenty of scary symptoms.

Aspirin is not the companion to lessen the flush. It is inositol which is "essential to hair growth." For niacin supplementation without the flush, you can purchase niacin with inositol included at any health food store.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Jade21 said:
I'm really glad to read about how many of you are being cautious with this one. Diabetics are not the only ones who should be leery. For most people the niacin flush is indeed harmless, but a niacin flush can send someone to the hospital emergency room with palpitations, a throbbing head ready to explode and plenty of scary symptoms.

Aspirin is not the companion to lessen the flush. It is inositol which is "essential to hair growth." For niacin supplementation without the flush, you can purchase niacin with inositol included at any health food store.


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Just to be clear...I was giving the MEDICAL solution to reducing the flush. We prescribe niacin to treat hyperlipidemia (i.e. high cholesterol) and we ALWAYS tell people to take an aspirin before takin the niacin (unless they have an apririn allergy or gastric ulcer(s). So if you don't want to take an added supplement then aspirin is the way to go.
However, "flush-free" niacin is availabe at healthfood stores,so if a person prefers that, it's perfectly okay.

Anyhow, as was said before, be very careful with the niacin. It probably won't hurt in small does, but PLEASE do not get crazy with it without seeing your doctor first (and if you're diabetic or have heart issues don't even go there!

I will be careful. I just heard that it's good to get the blood flowing through your scalp to increase circulation. It worked for me.
I just wanted to say that the women here are so knowledgable! No matter what the question is...somone here seems to have the answer