Nexxus Keraphix mistake!

Mocha Princess

New Member
Hey ladies, I need some help. My hair must not like much protein because I washed my hair and then, went under the dryer w/out a cap with Nexxus Keraphix, thinking it would work better on my hair and boy was that a big mistake!! :( My hair became brick hard, and almost looked statuesque b/c it was so firm and stayed super firm and wouldn't move. I thought this was ok until I rinsed it out, followed w/humectress and sat under the dryer and realized that my hair became super dry even after all of that! :confused: The reason I sat under the dryer w/out a cap is because I saw on the board that this is what some people do with emergencee, and get great results. I applied the same principle, hoping I'd get fabulous results, but uh uh.:nono: My hair was super dry and brittle for days, so I co washed, which I usually never do, and that helped but when I went to my hairdresser this past Saturday, she said it still looked dry and told me that she would add some cuticle drops to my deep treatment to force the cuticle open. The think that puzzles me is that my hair felt soft after 3 days of co washing, but she still said it felt dry? I don't get it.:perplexed Now I'm heartbroken b/c I want to take care of my hair like everyone else, using a protein treatment every 6 weeks, but I'm scared that my hair may not like it. I have seriously considered trying the Aveda DR treatment to see if I can make this my staple protein treatment, but am scared that it will overhaul my protein-sensitive hair. I have fine 4b hair and want to know if anyone has suggestions for what I should use as a protein treatment since my hair seems to be sensitive. My hairdresser told me not to use protein anymore, but isn't that going to deprive my hair? I don't know what to do. Do some people just not need extra protein or what? Please help me figure this out.
If I were you, I would shampoo with a clarifying/chelating shampoo and deep condition with a non-protein conditioner. My faves are Loreal Nature's Therapy Mega Moisture or Motions Moisture Plus After shampoo conditioner.
I've never done that, but I think that principle only applies to liquid/gel consistency conditioners. I think if you're dealing with a creamier reconstructor it's best to use a cap and not let it dry out.

Also, some people don't need as much protein as others. You have to take your personal strands into consideration with whatever you choose.

What are your usual results with Nexxus Humectress? I found that it did absolutely nothing for my hair when it came to general conditioning. I'd hate to see how my hair would feel if I tried to use a protein conditioner before it. I say that to say, maybe it's not the protein conditioner but the moisturizing conditioner that is giving you problems.

I have a bottle of Keraphix at home and I find that it works best if I use a cap, but don't leave it on too long - 15 minutes max.

Just wondering, but why would your hairdresser want to force your cuticle open? I would think that if your hair is feeling rough/dry she would want to use something that would force it smooth/closed.
Awww, I'm sorry this happened to you.

Personally, I love Keraphix, I've never used it under a dryer or with heat but I know some of the ladies here do. Your hair might not need that much protein. Too much protein, or protein conditioners left on for too long can cause your hair to get hard and stiff. It's best to follow a protein treatment with a moisturizing conditioner.

What kind of shape is your hair in? Do you have a lot of damage? Does your hair typically feel dry? Are you relaxed or natural?

You might not need protein as much as you need moisture. If I were you I'd baby my hair with a super moisturizing treatment and then a good leave in. Some ladies only need protein every couple of months.

As far as the cuticle drops your hairdresser gave you, I have never heard of them. "Forcing the cuticle open" doesn't sound like a great idea in my opinion. I would imagine that a nice long wash in the shower with warm water and either a moisturizing shampoo or a co-wash, followed by a deep conditioner (moisture, not protein) should help you on the road to hair recovery.

Do you normally use Nexxus products? When my hair needs a little protein but I still want to give it moisture, I will mix one part Keraphix with one part Humectress and then add about a tablespoon of unrefined hemp seed oil (olive oil is also very good) and one tablespoon of honey (warmed up in the microwave for about 15 seconds). I mix this all up and then apply it to my hair and cover with a plastic cap and a hot towel. I leave it on for 45 minutes to an hour.

After rinsing the conditioner mix from your hair your hair should feel strong but well moisturized. Follow up with your leave in. I like to use a bit of Humectress as my leave in and then seal with avocado butter.

Hope that helps!:)
You know what, I honestly am starting to feel that my hair dresser is full of Sh*t!! I feel so stupid telling you guys this, but she actually charged me an extra $15 for the drops!!:eek: I was like, whaaat, why are drops $15, that's crazy. Also, I wanted to tell you guys what else she's been doing. This broad will have a certain price listed on her wall for what she calls, a "deep seal condioning treatment," which says $30. But when I get to the counter, she changes the price on me by saying that she had to blow dry it, so she tacks on an extra $10. This past saturday, she charged me $60 dollars for the visit!!:eek: The condtionining treatment is $30, the drops, $15, and the blowdrying, I guess!! :mad: I don't know what to do because she seems good at taking care of my hair, but I don't want to stay w/her if she's goin to be taking advantage of me. This past weekend, I was contemplating on whether or not I should call her and ask her why she seems to be tacking on extra $ for her services. I don't know, should I call her? :( Guess what else is weird about her salon, she's the only hairdresser!!! She is the owner so that explains some of it, but why is it that on Saturdays, which are supposed to be fairly busy, there is absolutely no one there. :cool: Every once in a while, I see some people there, but hardly anyone though. She's startin to make me suspicious.:sekret: I was the only one there this past Saturday! I feel stupid b/c you guys probably are thinking, duhhhh, but really, she seems to know how to take care of hair, but I'm wonderin what all of this is about. I don't want to risk goin to someone else who may not take care of, or relax my hair right, but I also don't want to put of with her Stanky Bull!!
camellia said:
Awww, I'm sorry this happened to you.

Personally, I love Keraphix, I've never used it under a dryer or with heat but I know some of the ladies here do. Your hair might not need that much protein. Too much protein, or protein conditioners left on for too long can cause your hair to get hard and stiff. It's best to follow a protein treatment with a moisturizing conditioner.

What kind of shape is your hair in? Do you have a lot of damage? Does your hair typically feel dry? Are you relaxed or natural?

You might not need protein as much as you need moisture. If I were you I'd baby my hair with a super moisturizing treatment and then a good leave in. Some ladies only need protein every couple of months.

As far as the cuticle drops your hairdresser gave you, I have never heard of them. "Forcing the cuticle open" doesn't sound like a great idea in my opinion. I would imagine that a nice long wash in the shower with warm water and either a moisturizing shampoo or a co-wash, followed by a deep conditioner (moisture, not protein) should help you on the road to hair recovery.

Do you normally use Nexxus products? When my hair needs a little protein but I still want to give it moisture, I will mix one part Keraphix with one part Humectress and then add about a tablespoon of unrefined hemp seed oil (olive oil is also very good) and one tablespoon of honey (warmed up in the microwave for about 15 seconds). I mix this all up and then apply it to my hair and cover with a plastic cap and a hot towel. I leave it on for 45 minutes to an hour.

After rinsing the conditioner mix from your hair your hair should feel strong but well moisturized. Follow up with your leave in. I like to use a bit of Humectress as my leave in and then seal with avocado butter.

Hope that helps!:)

Camilia, that's some great advice, you don't even have hair like mine (4b) but your advice is right on target. :yep: Girl thank you for the input, I appreciate it. I always used Nexxus Humectress when I was natural, and it seemed to work fine but to be honest, I'm not sure if it really did a great job at moisturizing my hair b/c it was always braided up. It must have kept it strong though because my hair grew like crazy and became so long. Now that I'm texlaxed, I do use it, but have been dipping into other moisturizing conditioners like Mizani Moisturfuze, Humecto, and some others. I have even mixed the 3 together w/ honey and olive oil and that really helped! :grin: The good thing about this situation is that, and this may sound evil, but I undermined my stylist by finding the treatment that she uses for her so called,"deep seal conditioning treatments." It's by Bronner Bro's and it's called, "Moisturfier." I swear, that stuff literally gives me a PERFECT head of hair. It's salon exclusive, but I found an online distributor who is licensed to sell it to whomever they wish. :grin: Every other place refused to sell it to me. Now that I've got it, I'm goin to stop going to her for deep seal treatments and just do it at home and only go to her for the relaxer! It's funny b/c the broad tried to be all secretive about what she was usin, but I found out by looking at the container. (hee hee) :lachen:
This happened to me once when I used Elucence Extended Moisture Repair. I used the MB conditioner and it did squat! Hair was still stiff so I corrected it with Humecto.

I think you should just use a different moisturizing conditioner. Humectress is kind of hit or miss with some people. This stuff never worked for me and I know it would not provide enough softening after even a mild creamy protein reconstructor like Keraphix.

Do you have any other favorite moisturizing conditioners around that you would like to try. A cheapie to try would be Neutrogenia Triple Moisture. Keracare Humecto always does the trick when I have a protein mishap.

Stick with moisturizing shampoos and really, really good moisturizing conditioners. Your hair should begin to feel normal afterwards.
I agree and keraphix is the only reconstructor that seem to be very moisturing when used properly.
I would definately re-shampoo your hair w/a moisturizing poo, and DC w/a very moisturizing cond. w/great slip. Somtimes when the hair is already dry and hard clarifying can make it worst unless you pree-poo w/some oils or something to help soften it up first.
myco said:
I've never done that, but I think that principle only applies to liquid/gel consistency conditioners. I think if you're dealing with a creamier reconstructor it's best to use a cap and not let it dry out.

Also, some people don't need as much protein as others. You have to take your personal strands into consideration with whatever you choose.

What are your usual results with Nexxus Humectress? I found that it did absolutely nothing for my hair when it came to general conditioning. I'd hate to see how my hair would feel if I tried to use a protein conditioner before it. I say that to say, maybe it's not the protein conditioner but the moisturizing conditioner that is giving you problems.

I have a bottle of Keraphix at home and I find that it works best if I use a cap, but don't leave it on too long - 15 minutes max.

Just wondering, but why would your hairdresser want to force your cuticle open? I would think that if your hair is feeling rough/dry she would want to use something that would force it smooth/closed.