Nexxus Emergencee


Natural Gang Gang Gang
Can I mix Nexxus Emergencee with my DC and apply it to my head that way? Does anyone know?
Why are you mixing it? Why not use it as a DC on its own?

My advice would be not to do it. You never know what chemical reaction might take place between them to create some useless or harmful products. Both products are stable as they are and IMO best used as they are.

As a spokesperson for the Emergencée Protection Society, it'd be not only a crime but totally obscene to mess with perfection. Emergencée needs to be used unadulterated. It's in the rules of life somewhere.
Why are you mixing it? Why not use it as a DC on its own?

My advice would be not to do it. You never know what chemical reaction might take place between them to create some useless or harmful products. Both products are stable as they are and IMO best used as they are.

As a spokesperson for the Emergencée Protection Society, it'd be not only a crime but totally obscene to mess with perfection. Emergencée needs to be used unadulterated. It's in the rules of life somewhere.

certified nutt:rofl:
I mixed it with humectress before just because I was boread I didnt have an adverse effect on me. But its a great conditioner on its own!!! (I use a moist conditioner after it for final rinse for an equal pmb) protien moisture balance
Another reason why I'm not a fan of mixing things that work well on their own, I feel that you interfere with how the molecules of the product are dispersed on your hair. Like instead of Emergencée molecules lying side by side along the length of your strands, you have some parts not covered by it but only by the other product, so you're not getting the same "treatment" along the length of the hair. Also the reason Nexxus advise to use one product then the other, is they probably know that when you rinse off, your hair is left with a residue that will receive and work well with the next product they recommend.

Like I think Therappe and Humectress have ceramides. Emergencee does not, if this blog is accurate and so it's important to get the protein on your hair and make sure it gets to all the strand and then after that provide the "glue" that seals cuticles and perfects the strengthening you just did. Emergencee's direction suggest to follow its use with those two products coz someone already did the math and figured that'd be best for your hair.

So if you mix, I honestly think you don't get the best of both worlds. It's sort of like saying, you use baking soda to open the strands of your hair, then DC to allow conditioner to penetrate. Then you rinse with ACV to close the cuticles and lock in that moisture. If you instead mixed them all, you may get either an acidic product that closes cuticles or an alkaline products that leaves hair tangly. Or you may get some neutral product that doesn't do ish. So I say trust the directions of the product and only get clever if they don't work for you as directed.
Why do yall keep saying Nexxus is a conditioner and its not.....?
Did I get lost somewhere?

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Why do yall keep saying Nexxus is a conditioner and its not.....?
Did I get lost somewhere?

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ms_b_haven06 Nexxus is a company that makes a lot of products. Nexxus Emergencee is a reconstructor, which is conditioner/treatment that is both strengthening as well as moisturizing. It can be used as a regular quickly-washed-off conditioner or as a DC.

In the past, there never used to be directions to shampoo your hair after using it. But after asking Nexxus folks why the directions changed, they assured me that the formula was the same and (I'll find the thread if you care where I shared what they said while it was still fresh in my head) we sort of figured that perhaps there were people who didn't rinse of properly and therefore had issues--hence the added precaution since the goal of Emegencee anyway is to fix the internal structure of what you wash off isn't really something you will miss.

Another thing that changed about the directions is there used to be the option in the directions to leave on the hair for 10 mins with or without heat. Now the directions only say to leave on for 1-2 minutes. So yes, they do say to use it as a regular conditioner but those of use who know its history and how it worked well left on for ten minutes continue to use it as a DC.

DCs are conditioners. Treatments are just fancy names for conditioners. On the forum we refer to the conditioners that you rinse out after a short while (not the DCing kind) as "regular" or "rinse-off" conditioners. "Rinse-off" to differentiate from "leave-in conditioners" which are moisturizers. Humectress is both a rinse-off as well as leave-in conditioner. (Directions on it say so--unless they too changed.)
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I'm trying to find ways to use it. I don't use most stuff the way everyone else does--just doesn't work for me. Heres a thread on different ways people use it. I don't know if I'm ready to use it straight up! Some threads w/those who do mixes:
Well, one more mixing thread, but the women there hated it (??):
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I love Nexxus Emergencee. It does wonders for my relaxed hair. If I recall correctly, wash with Nexxus moisture shampoo and rinse. Apply Nexxus Emergencee for 3 Minutes, rinse then wash with Nexxus Moisture shampoo and condition with Nexxus conditioner. My hair is stronger and hair bonds together. I try and use before relaxer and two weeks after. I love it.
In addition, I do not sit under dryer with Emergencee. I rinse after 3 min.

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Thanks ladies, I decided not to use it tonight I will just use it next week. Off to read the threads that was posted....

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:look: I love Nexxus Emergencee. It was great on my relaxed hair and it's equally fantastic on my natural hair. :yep: I use it straight. The only thing I did recently was allow it to stay on longer with a plastic cap. :love: It was grand. :lol: