Nexxus Emergencee Review


New Member
I used Nexxus Emergencee for the first time this weekend.

I read a bunch of threads about it and decided to use this method. However it was hotter than Hades in my apartment so I would up shampooing with my Nature's Gate gentle herbal shampoo, then I put on the Emergencee and put a shower cap on and sat sweating for about a half hour then I rinsed and dc'd.

Holy WOW protein. I have used the Aphogee hardcore protein treatment and not had results quite like this.

After I dc'd my hair felt pretty well moisturized and really strong. Rinsing I lost a significantly lesser amount of hair than usual and that was fantastic.

However, for some reason my ends came out kind of crunchy so I used extra EVCO and baggied to sleep, ends are fine today.

After I rinsed out my DC I CO rinsed as usual, then used my Profectiv break free as usual to air dry. I fell asleep and woke up a bit later and my hair was enormous like I'd blow dried it.

I don't know if it was the Emergencee or what but my hair was still hugely fluffy when I went to bun it this morning so I will probably Cowash tonight to try and take it down a notch.

But I am keeping the Emergencee around it's good stuff.

Before I cowash tonight I'll make my boyfriend take some pictures of the floof.
I don't know. I bought two bottles at Big Lots because I recognized the name and they were cheap. I will find out though I just wrote the company.
Traycee, someone posted in that thread about it being discontinued that she got an email from Nexxus saying that it was NOT being discontinued.

ETA: RosesBlack, glad you liked it. I have loved it since I first used it. I use a plastic cap with mine and go under a dryer...but I sometimes let it dry on my hair after I take the cap off. I do shampoo it out with a moisturizing shampoo like Therappe though before I condition w/ a moisturizing conditioner. I haven't noticed my ends feeling crunchy after using it.
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