Nexxus Aloe Rid

Baby Girl

New Member
A beautiican advised me not to use baking soda and water as a clarifier. She said nor should I use ACV. She said the best clarifier for african american hair is Nexxus Aloe Rid. I was like ok!

What you guys think about this?
I've never heard of this before. What wrong with all the other clarifyers out there by other brands besides Nexxus. Does she sell Nexxus in the store?

You don't have to use natural clarifyers for your hair unless you want to. Baking Soda and ACV are usually kept in the kitchen, but I've had success using ACV myself. Then sometimes I use Neutragena (sp). No big deal...I'll wait to read other ladies replies.
I have used baking soda mixed with my shampoo and I loved it. I just wanted to share with others and see if they have heard this before. She does not sell Nexxus in her store but she uses it on her clients. I am interested to hear what others say also.
Nexxus Aloe Rid is my favorite clarifier. I have never tried baking soda and water so I can't compare them. I am not sure whether ACV is considered a clarifier. I've used it a couple of times after shampooing to remove shampoo residue, restore PH balance and close the hair cuticle.
Nexxus Aloe Rid is my favorite clarifier. I have never tried baking soda and water so I can't compare them. I am not sure whether ACV is considered a clarifier. I've used it a couple of times after shampooing to remove shampoo residue, restore PH balance and close the hair cuticle.

Roux Porosity is good product used to restore PH balance.
Aloe Rid gave me brand new hair! :grin: My hair was super clean! I'm natural and was using it to prepare for a texlax. But I used Aloe Rid and flat ironed, and now my hair is relaxer straight--and still has body. I can't stop getting compliments! No frizz yet, either. I'm not sure if I am going to texlax anymore. Maybe if I want the looser curly look.

I would recommend it to all AA's, especially those who use cones and heat. It is well worth the money.
Aloe Rid gave me brand new hair! :grin: My hair was super clean! I'm natural and was using it to prepare for a texlax. But I used Aloe Rid and flat ironed, and now my hair is relaxer straight--and still has body. I can't stop getting compliments! No frizz yet, either. I'm not sure if I am going to texlax anymore. Maybe if I want the looser curly look.

I would recommend it to all AA's, especially those who use cones and heat. It is well worth the money.

TKO I am sold, will be stopping by CVS after work.
Everyone seems to be loving this product, I can not wait to buy it. I am going to be like a child in the candy store.
I recently bought a regular sized bottle of Aloe Rid at Target for $5.48. I think it was on clearance. The bottle didn't look old or anything.
Hmm...I have full bottle of Aloe Rid. I've been using baking soda mixed with diluted shampoo/water or baking soda diluted with water. I didn't know Aloe Rid restores the pH too.
I love aloe rid. That is the only clarifier that I use. I have tried baking soda and ACV and they do not even compare.