Next Weekly Fast & Prayer Team Dec. 14th - People Who Suffer Depression......


Well-Known Member
Low-Self Esteem and those very insecure.

Our next fasting and prayer team is schedule for December, 14th. You decide the type of fast, and how long our focus "People who suffer from Depression, Low-Self Esteem and are very in Secure."

God we pray for all those who suffer from low-self esteem and insecurties. For you know God it is hard to deal with people who always feel threaten by others. We ask that you God will build them up in Jesus Name and do a new thing in their lives. We bind every demonic force that would prevent them from being delivered and set free from these spirits. We pray also for the spirit of despression and ask God for you too bind that spirit in Jesus name. We claim the victory over the enemy in the name of Jesus we pray. AMEN!!!


0. All Fasting & Prayer Team members nation wide.
1.Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life; job interview grant her favor and give insight to the questions.
2. TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
3. Good2uuuu- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life and family; anoint automobiles to keep functioning
4. Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
5. Sithenbile - Grow closer to God, to know His will for my life and my relationship and to overcome temptations.
Vision and direction concerning my purpose/destiny/ministry.
6. Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
7. Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
8. Re- God's will for the man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
9. Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
10. Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects;time share to sale; neighbor problems.
11.Koffie - Strong holds; school; God's perfect will for her life.
12.Ta - Release from a spirit of fear and anxiety; need of mental and physical rest needed at this time from work, chores and geting enough sleep. Feeling as if not enough time in the day to complete tasks and get some recreation, relaxation;God's perfect will for her life.
13.mrsjones1 - finances, God's guidiance, spouse and ministry
14.divinefavor - strongholds to destroyed, finances;destiny in life; future mate; children and mate's children.
15. ladydee36330- close to God; get to know Him better; strength to love my enemies.
16. Juris - emotional stability; to be free of all the guilt, hurt, and shame from past mistakes;REAL intimate relationship with God; pray for direction in my life. God to show me his purpose for my life.
17. Mswinni - Strength in the Lord; closer to God so that I know when he's speaking to me; direction and understanding of His word; make better godly decisions; a stable mind and the courage to go on with Jesus; spending habits and financial situation to improve;ready to completely walk on my own two feet; delivered from the negative self image; part time job and car;to be whole again.
18.Sb44 - Mother who is very ill; give family and me strength to hold onto God's unchanging hand.
19. NYCQT16 - Hearing from God better; self-esteem concerns; living in purpose and destiny.
20. Cupcake -health of my family;me and my mother in His bosom since the death of my father 6 months ago;stronger relationship with Jesus Christ;God to order my steps and speak to my heart;direction with school, work, my relationship with my mom;spiritual walk with my boyfriend be evenly yoked;all of the LHCF ladies on this fast & prayer team!
21.Pebbles - My sister to carry her baby full term; and cover baby with the blood of Jesus; her duties on this forum, family, her divine purpose and destiny in God; closer walk with Jesus.
22. Lady R- My household, husband and son; my ministry and destroying my fears;being obedient to God voice; family financials;released from my current job and be blessed with the next step of my life; blessing on my Mary Kay business; and blessing to others through my testominy.
23. Sweetie19 - -Recognize and waith on the man God has for me;
develop my spiritual gifts and increase my discernment; conducting myself like a classy, beautiful woman of God AT ALL TIMES; walk in her destiny.
24. Sweet C- Finishing my thesis to God be the GLORY!! finding the job God;anoint her hands God; Growing in the Lord, family and friends, procrastination; Walk in her divine destiny and fulfill God's perfect will for life; protection, guidance to covered in the blood of Jesus.
25. Cherokee - Closer relationship with the Lord, Newjob/career, finances, emotional stability, forgiveness, God's perfect will for her life, future husband.
26.CICI24 -School financial aid, God's perfect will for her life and family, and my abundant health and self confidence.
27. KEIONI'S MOM - Strength in her life. Find her own path, discover the areas in which she will excel. Allow her to be a strong mother and to find a loving, supportive, worthy SO. Someone, who will appreciate her constant giving spirit.
28. Star - Continue to shine, like the Star that she is; continue to be a blessing to others, but also be able to receive all of the blessing that YOU, Lord, Jesus, have in store for her; also job detail.
29. dtachi- Going back to school with new major/vision strength and wisdom to get through my first year;financial blessing to help my expenses of school; God's perfect will for my life and family.
30. Sithembile -I pray God we all will draw closer to Him by faith and allow Him to speak into every situation in our lives. I pray that we may all have a divine revelation concerning our spouses and future spouses. I especially pray for Justicewifey who said her marriage was breaking up. It would be great if we could all remember her, her husband and children during our time of prayer and fasting. Confirmation on future mate;Walk in her divine destiny and fulfill God's perfect will for life.
31. Missbobbie-Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection, guidance to covered in the blood of Jesus.
32. Micheal77 - Receiving the power of forgivenes, love, grace and mercy of God without apologies; seeking to fulfill God's destiny for my life; being covered with the blood of Jesus each and every day.
33.RE- Please pray for my husband's salvation and for him to have godly male friends;my for divine destiny in Jesus and God to give me wisdom on talking and dealing with my spouse.
34. Justicewifey - Desire for a stronger relationship with the Lord, my children, my career and finances. God move her into her destiny and continue to cover her and the children; help heal the entire family during this time of change.
35.Moisy -Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection.
36.BabeinChrist -Today, I would like us to pray for our husbands choices. It is so important that they make the right choices because if they don't, those choices can have devastating effects for everyone; wives, children, close family and friends. We are all effected. We as wives can help protect our husbands through the power of prayer.
37. Blessed1 -Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection, guidance to covered in the blood of Jesus.
38.HM -Walk in her divine destiny and closer to God fulfill God's perfect will for her life; protection.
39. Onyx- Healing for my sister and the ability for her to accept and cope with her illness until God heals her; strongholds to be destroyed; finances; blessed new relationships; future husband.

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40.Andreab -Prayer our house will prosper and expereince a harvest within this season that will help establish our goals. Please bless Mom with a job and give her the words to say when she goes to her interview on Monday.
41.Shalom - Spirit of depression to be broken over her life; her destiny to be fulfilled; to get closer to God through prayer and fasting and prayer, reading the word and fellowship with other believer. Give her the desires of her heart as they are in line with God perfect will.
42. shellzfoshizzle- Bless her efforts God and push her into her destiny according to Your Perfect will.
43.Leigh -Please God grant her favor concerning car accident situation provide a miracle that she knows this is You; Keep the faith knowing all thing truly do work together for the good of those who LOVE God and are called according to His purpose; prayer for my career path and new ventures.
44. Mitcy- God bless her effort to join. Show her God that You are able to do everything but fail; Design her destiny move her there by Your Power.
45. LOVECHIC- For her to recieve the blessings that God has in store for her.
46.Mrsjones1 -To find out what God's will is for my life.
47. Nubianrose - Healing & Health for my family, my cousin who may have diabetes ;dad just got diagnosed with diabetes; wants perfect will and God's direction for my future endeavours; help her God with her destiny.
48.Tamala -Regain self-confidence and faith in myself; need healing from past painbreakup; wants God perfect will for her life.
49. Naughteegirl -Strengthen mind, body and soul through Jesus; send her soul mate in Jesus; destiny and purpose in life be fulfill.
50. Nikipovi-God please reconcile and heal family members who are seperated do not let the devil have his way; restore relationships so that are solid in Jesus; provide a purpose for our lives together so that You God may be gloried.
51. JOI -Health and career for my husband;a better paying job;I want to lose weight; our financial situation gets better;for me to be release from anger concerning my brother; totally surrender that situation to God;protect my mother and give her strength and wisdom from GOD!!
52. Mscolwhite-God to strengthen all our members in the inner man that they may know the full depths of God's love; strength and healing throughout me and my family's bodies; deeper revelation in spiritual manners.
53.metro_qt- Thank you God for her joining us; meet her ever need and take full control of her destiny. In Jesus Name. Financial independence; getting all my blessing her on earth;
54.EbonyEyes- A more intimate relationship with the Lord; A deeper understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit; Wisdom; Hearing God's voice clearly; Direction for my liferengthen ties with family; spiritual clarity;hearing God speak to me.
55. Nigeria - God to watch over my family, protect them, and continue working in their lives. Healing my dad from his sickness so he can live a long, healthy life to have a healthy, happy, blessed marriage; prepare her for her destiny and her covered with the Blood of Jesus.
56.Beyondcute- For my family, my finances, my education, my health, and my relationships; God move on her behalf and meet EVERY need and move her to her destiny.
57. Zeal - Comfort for God parents as they rebuild their lives; Complete healing for for Mom, Daddy-boy, Sis and myself; Sis will complete her classes without a struggle; I will be able to forgive myself for past mistakes;God will speak to me during lent;closer walk, guidance, discrenment, direction towards starting my business;Mom will not stress;My family & finances, family financials;Bless Career guiadance;new postion closer to home with good benefits and salary. My husband to strong in God through prayer and His word.
58. Cheeks23-Need a job (ASAP); strengthen my relationship with God, and the temptations and trials of life seem to keep getting stronger each day; mom needs to pass her test so she can continue her career in nursing; family been through a lot this past year and needs a breakthrough.
59.WhipEffectz1 Need prayer for continued faith in God through adversity, family members going through bad times, and a better inner peace within myself to accept the things I cannot change. God please take her into her destiny.
60.MsCrystal -Inner peace, coping with stress, loving self;God's divine purpose, health, weatlh, happines and peace in Jesus.
61.Sashaa08 - Praying for job, relocating, future spouse, discipline (working out, eating healthy), and Mom's illness (parkinson's); God help into her destiny.
62.Shimmiegirl - To stay focused on whom and what God is annointing and preparing me for. To be fully receptive with a 'keen' ear and yielded heart and spirit.
63.Cheeks23 - My finances, career, family, boyfriend, strength, and continued faith in God; her destiny and purpose to fulfilled.
64.Surprise - God to reveal my calling/purpose to me, and that he strengthens me to be able to submit to His will for me and my life;God blesses me to earn the grades I am aiming for in school, and that my educational plans go as planned.
65.Fallback -Lord I ask that you help me with finding a job that I am happy in and pays well with benefits. I ask that you help me with finances, and also guide me in the right direction in raising my 14 year old son. I also ask that you make a way to help me continue my education by going to school at night and keep myself and family, friends and LHCF members in good health. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
66.Dreamer26- Pray for God to put the right people around me as I walk into what he's calling me for. To be able to hear him even more clearly. To continue to be a light in this hour. To allow him to flow through me through song, prayer, praise, word, and speech, just to be used as a vessel for the kingdom in his final hour.
67.God's princess - For God to move in her life like never before. For her to exalted, magnify and praised God in everything she does for her destiny to be fulfilled. In Jesus Name
68.Nella -Prayer for my family, financial issues; need a job, and for my daughter and I to always have a strong relationship; her destiny and purpose for Kingdom of God to be fulfilled.
69.RelaxerRehab - Strength and encouragement to do God's perfect will for her life; to fulfuill her destiny and purpose in life; meet her every need.
70. Teressa9 -Revelation of God's will and guidance for all areas my life;stronger relationship with God; to be filled with peace and joy because of my faith in Him; I know everything will work out for my good according to His will, and that's all I need to know.
71. p31woman- For the continued growth and strentgh of my relationship with God; Growth in my ability discern what God has for me and what is a distraction; graduate in May 2007 and find a good paying job with great opportunities for vertical growth within 1 month of graduation; her destiny and purpose in life to be fulfill.
72. MBlake8-Prayer for disipline and self control; a good attitude at work;purpose and destiny fulill in Jesus.
73. Wcyprien - Self-control, self-discpline, weight loss and my relationship with my boyfriend. I believe God is speaking to him. Her purpose and destiny fufill in Jesus.
74. SophiaRose - Help in all areas of my life, all aspects of my contact with this world, everything, every step, I want to take in the name of GOD; her purpose and destiny in Jesus to be fulfilled.
75. Aprilj -For the courage and strength to complete Nursing school; self discipline not only for me but also for my children; satan be removed from my home, work, finances & my family's lives; my relationship with God continues to strenghten; her destiny and purpose to be fulfill in Jesus Name.
76. AMJMJR -Closer relationship with God, strength to get through this tough divorce that is in the final stage, strength in being a single mom, and just God's presence in my family; her destiny and purpose in life through Jesus be fulfilled.
77. T-Bear - WE Bind all thoughts and action of suicide; we destroy at the root the spirit of suicide and demand it to leave and go back to the pits of hell in Jesus Name; we pray for restoration and regeneration in Jesus and for her purpose and plan for the kingdom of God be done on earth in Jesus Name. AMEN!!
78. BabyImarstarr- To grow stronger in my Christian faith, for physical and mental health and strength, to find direction in my career and personal relationships as well as, to gain confidence in myself and in ability to find happiness in a career; to do God's will for my life.
79. Cocoberry10 -Searcing for the perfect job, bar exam, and really need God's touch right now and other's prayers; for God's perfect will in my life.
80. Evagray -Suffered depression for most of this year and am still going through days of ups and downs.;very insecure right now with some friendships I have at school and it is taking me away from my focus, which is school, applying to summer programs, research and studying for the MCAT;need peace and I really need to be surrounded by more positive people; cover with blood of Jesus and her destiny and purpose fulfill in Jesus.
81. Melodee -I need to know that God has gifted me and stop being so hard on myself; to fulfill her purpose and destiny in Jesus.
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msportugal said:
i need prayer for a friend who tried to commit suicide last night
Give me her name or nick name so I can put her on the list. I think nickname probaly would be best if she does not have one just make up a name and I just rebuked the spirit of suicde right now in Jesus name. I lost my father to sucide when I was a little girl and it has been very painful for me to live without him.
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Can I be added to the list? I would like to have a closer relationship with God, strength to get through this tough divorce that is in the final stage, strength in being a single mom, and just God's presence in my family.
AMJMJR said:
Can I be added to the list? I would like to have a closer relationship with God, strength to get through this tough divorce that is in the final stage, strength in being a single mom, and just God's presence in my family.
I will put on the list and just trust God as you are going through this time and know that He loves you so, so much and He will help you, your husband and the children heal in healthy way in this situation. God bless and welcome aboard.
This thread has POWER written all over it. I am not on the list but many people on the board prayed for my desparity to end last year. All those prayers pushed the devil away and took me out of the land of isolation.

Don't forget... "You CAN because you ARE!!!"
anky said:
This thread has POWER written all over it. I am not on the list but many people on the board prayed for my desparity to end last year. All those prayers pushed the devil away and took me out of the land of isolation.

Don't forget... "You CAN because you ARE!!!"
Prasie God from ALL blessing flow.
Please add me to this list. I am searching for the perfect job, and studying for the bar exam, and really need God's touch right now and other's prayers. Thanks! :)
cocoberry10 said:
Please add me to this list. I am searching for the perfect job, and studying for the bar exam, and really need God's touch right now and other's prayers. Thanks! :)
Got it in Jesus name!! Praise God for your blessing now.
Please add me to the list. I have suffered depression for most of this year and am still going through days of ups and downs. I am also very insecure right now with some friendships I have at school and it is taking me away from my focus, which is school, applying to summer programs, research and studying for the MCAT. I just need peace and I really need to be surrounded by more positive people.
evagray said:
Please add me to the list. I have suffered depression for most of this year and am still going through days of ups and downs. I am also very insecure right now with some friendships I have at school and it is taking me away from my focus, which is school, applying to summer programs, research and studying for the MCAT. I just need peace and I really need to be surrounded by more positive people.

What you are going through is normal. I am now at a point in my life where I have never felt more secure with myself. Not 100% but getting there. I have ups and downs, too. When you are changing, you as a person, start to feel uncomfortable. But remember; always look towards that open door.

I recently had to re-evaluate the people in my life. Not an easy decision. One of the hardest. Had to let a few go.

On another hand, if ever you find yourself feeling insecure, maybe at other folk’s successes, then just give yourself some needed space. Re-evaluate your thoughts and feelings.

Star, this is right on time for so many. Keep it up!
evagray said:
Please add me to the list. I have suffered depression for most of this year and am still going through days of ups and downs. I am also very insecure right now with some friendships I have at school and it is taking me away from my focus, which is school, applying to summer programs, research and studying for the MCAT. I just need peace and I really need to be surrounded by more positive people.
Will add you right away and will be praying that this spirit is broken over your life. Please take some blessed oil and anoint your body especially your head, ears and eyes in Jesus name. This oil will bind every spirit that tries to enter your mind that is not of God. Staying focus is the key to success.
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Cherokee said:
What you are going through is normal. I am now at a point in my life where I have never felt more secure with myself. Not 100% but getting there. I have ups and downs, too. When you are changing, you as a person, start to feel uncomfortable. But remember; always look towards that open door.

I recently had to re-evaluate the people in my life. Not an easy decision. One of the hardest. Had to let a few go.

On another hand, if ever you find yourself feeling insecure, maybe at other folk’s successes, then just give yourself some needed space. Re-evaluate your thoughts and feelings.

Star, this is right on time for so many. Keep it up!
Thanks for sharing this input I remember my vulnerable times in life but I made sure I did not have people in my circle who were not right as matter of fact I was alone most of time so I could concentrate. I learn the art of when to have people around me and when to pull away. My main security came from spending each and every day in prayer with God even when I did feel like he was near. My self esteem and security was built on God's love for me as I prayed, read the bible and stayed active in the Church this really worked out for me. Today I can honeslty and truly say my self-esteem came from God and my mother. Lastly, even at my lowest moments God was always, always there and allowed me to go through things but He always maintain control of the situation. God will never, ever leave us or forsake us I know especailly since I lost my parents at the age of 11.
melodee said:
Can you guys pray for me too. I need to know that God has gifted me and stop being so hard on myself.
Yes, my dear and all of us have to learn so do not be hard on yourself take one day at a time and just say Jesus name under your breath each time you feel this spirit coming on. The devil is a liar God is the only one who is perfect we all are striving to be better and if we fall we get up and ask God to help us and move on.
evagray said:
Please add me to the list. I have suffered depression for most of this year and am still going through days of ups and downs. I am also very insecure right now with some friendships I have at school and it is taking me away from my focus, which is school, applying to summer programs, research and studying for the MCAT. I just need peace and I really need to be surrounded by more positive people.

I am currently studying for the bar exam. I will pray for you, and ask that we keep one another in prayer for success!!!!
Star, I'm right here with all of you praying and praising God. Although, I have not been able to log in as much, I'm still here in loving prayer for all.

For those in prayer...

Psalm 18:1

I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.

Our strength is in the Lord...

Love to everyone....
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Shimmie said:
Star, I'm right here with all of you praying and praising God. Although, I have not been able to log in as much, I'm still here in loving prayer for all.

For those in prayer...

Psalm 18:1

I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.

Our strength is in the Lord...

Love to everyone....
I am still feeling your love from last time. I know you are always there in the spirit.
cocoberry10 said:
I am currently studying for the bar exam. I will pray for you, and ask that we keep one another in prayer for success!!!!

Thanks, I will definently be praying for you!