Newlywed In Trouble


New Member
I am nervous about sending this out but I know this is a safe space and I need prayer, covering and guidance. I am a newly married woman who is experiencing trying times in my marriage and I don't know exactly what to do or how to place myself in God's hand's while I'm constantly thinking what can I do to make this right and what am I doing to make my marriage go wayward.

Thanks for listening and please just pray for ?????? what I'm unsure
You are not alone, precious one :kiss:

Now, let's forget about what satan is doing and focus on what God is doing. He's working all things out for your good and that of your husband.

He's perfecting all that concerns you. Though you walk in the valley of the 'shadow' (key word shadow) of death, you will fear no evil for God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. And He is not going to leave your marriage.

Let's release all of this to Him together, for we cannot fix this. Only God can. So together we pray...

"Dearest Father in Heaven...we come to you with all that we have and give ... we surrender it all to you. We give this man and wife to you and allow you to make all of the crooked places straight; all of the high places low; and to crush into dust, the gates of iron.

Father, we place this marriage, this precious man and woman into your hands where the enemy cannot touch them. Keep them as the apple of your eye, the very beat of your heart. Take this family's heart and make it your own to have and to hold and to keep from harm's way.

Marriage is your gift to us. And though it comes wrapped in the finest of adorn, we ask that you come and create this couple newly born; born again unto you. Let them have peace, love, joy, contentment in you and in one another. Let there be reconciliation and love that abounds each moment of each day, eternally. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.
wow, Shimme you are such a blessing. Keep your hands in God's hand and pray for your hubby. Things will work out fine! God Loves You!
You are not alone, precious one :kiss:

Now, let's forget about what satan is doing and focus on what God is doing. He's working all things out for your good and that of your husband.

He's perfecting all that concerns you. Though you walk in the valley of the 'shadow' (key word shadow) of death, you will fear no evil for God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. And He is not going to leave your marriage.

Let's release all of this to Him together, for we cannot fix this. Only God can. So together we pray...

"Dearest Father in Heaven...we come to you with all that we have and give ... we surrender it all to you. We give this man and wife to you and allow you to make all of the crooked places straight; all of the high places low; and to crush into dust, the gates of iron.

Father, we place this marriage, this precious man and woman into your hands where the enemy cannot touch them. Keep them as the apple of your eye, the very beat of your heart. Take this family's heart and make it your own to have and to hold and to keep from harm's way.

Marriage is your gift to us. And though it comes wrapped in the finest of adorn, we ask that you come and create this couple newly born; born again unto you. Let them have peace, love, joy, contentment in you and in one another. Let there be reconciliation and love that abounds each moment of each day, eternally. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.

I'm in total agreement with this prayer and advice. Shimmie is always a blessing....:yep:

I will be praying for you.
Loving blessings precious nychaelasymone and Precious Wavy:

This is new territory for both of them. "Marriage" is like moving to a foreign country and having to learn a new culture, new language and comprehend what it all means.

But God has already stepped into this marriage for planodiva and her hubby to make all things right and all things new.

Note to planodiva....'don't speak french' when hubby acts like a baby...:lol: (Just kidding). Just speak love, he's coming back to his senses.
I am nervous about sending this out but I know this is a safe space and I need prayer, covering and guidance. I am a newly married woman who is experiencing trying times in my marriage and I don't know exactly what to do or how to place myself in God's hand's while I'm constantly thinking what can I do to make this right and what am I doing to make my marriage go wayward.

Thanks for listening and please just pray for ?????? what I'm unsure

You are in my prayers! I am relatively recently married and its a whole new world.

If you havent read it already, try picking up 5 Love Languages . . . when my FI now DH and I were going through counseling they suggested this book. It was very helpful.

Prayers and blessings your way.
You are not alone, precious one :kiss:

Now, let's forget about what satan is doing and focus on what God is doing. He's working all things out for your good and that of your husband.

He's perfecting all that concerns you. Though you walk in the valley of the 'shadow' (key word shadow) of death, you will fear no evil for God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. And He is not going to leave your marriage.

Let's release all of this to Him together, for we cannot fix this. Only God can. So together we pray...

"Dearest Father in Heaven...we come to you with all that we have and give ... we surrender it all to you. We give this man and wife to you and allow you to make all of the crooked places straight; all of the high places low; and to crush into dust, the gates of iron.

Father, we place this marriage, this precious man and woman into your hands where the enemy cannot touch them. Keep them as the apple of your eye, the very beat of your heart. Take this family's heart and make it your own to have and to hold and to keep from harm's way.

Marriage is your gift to us. And though it comes wrapped in the finest of adorn, we ask that you come and create this couple newly born; born again unto you. Let them have peace, love, joy, contentment in you and in one another. Let there be reconciliation and love that abounds each moment of each day, eternally. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.

I stand in agreement with my sister in christ. AMEN.
You are not alone, precious one :kiss:

Now, let's forget about what satan is doing and focus on what God is doing. He's working all things out for your good and that of your husband.

He's perfecting all that concerns you. Though you walk in the valley of the 'shadow' (key word shadow) of death, you will fear no evil for God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. And He is not going to leave your marriage.

Let's release all of this to Him together, for we cannot fix this. Only God can. So together we pray...

"Dearest Father in Heaven...we come to you with all that we have and give ... we surrender it all to you. We give this man and wife to you and allow you to make all of the crooked places straight; all of the high places low; and to crush into dust, the gates of iron.

Father, we place this marriage, this precious man and woman into your hands where the enemy cannot touch them. Keep them as the apple of your eye, the very beat of your heart. Take this family's heart and make it your own to have and to hold and to keep from harm's way.

Marriage is your gift to us. And though it comes wrapped in the finest of adorn, we ask that you come and create this couple newly born; born again unto you. Let them have peace, love, joy, contentment in you and in one another. Let there be reconciliation and love that abounds each moment of each day, eternally. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.

I pray in agreement, asking that barriers be broken to allow the HOLY SPIRIT in, walls of separation be torn down, and spiritual eyes be open in the midst of hurt and confussion, in the Mighty name of Jesus, let it be done, Amen. :Rose: