Newly posting napp!! Check out my album!!


New Member
Hello everyone!! Well I've been lurking in the shadows long enough, admiring many an inspriational fotki. I have finally decided to subscribe to long hair care forums (heck I'm on this site everyday!), and have also created my first Fotki album so please check it out and feel free to leave your comments. All feedback is welcomed!

A little about my journal:

Last chemical fire cream was June 01, 2006. I was only perming my hair maybe 3 or 4 times a year (I love braids!!). Well to make a long story short, I bought a bad box of perm, put that mess on my head, had it on there for 10 mins max, washed the stuff out, and down the drain went perm...and newly permed hair!! the damage was so extensive some spots i had my past shoulder length hair and some spots i had maybe 1/4th an inch of hair. I tried my best to cover the damage, but I gave in on June 27,2006 grabbed the clippers (with tears in my eyes) and did my BC.

Now 3 months napptural and looooooving it!! I have learned I have 3c/4a hair (3c in the front, 4a everywhere else), or as on another site I saw, "I am daughter of the S" lol.

So please check out my album as I will update constantly.

Thanks!! :grin: