Newly naturals


Well-Known Member
Is your childhood hair the same as your hair is now? I think this is probably geared more to naturals. If you remember :look: what your hair was like in it's natural state as a child, is your har different now or is it the same?

I remember my hair as a child being very thick, big and unruly. It was so hard to comb and it was dry. I never noticed any curl or wave pattern. But now that I'v bc'd I see curls and waves and kinks in places I didn't have when I was a child. It was just a big ball of frizz and napps! :lachen: So how come I see curly now? Does your hair texture change when you relax and then go natural again? It doesn't go back to the way it was before you ever relaxed?
I'm not newly natural, but I believe my hair texture is the same as it was as a child. It's hard to know for sure b/c my mom always kept my hair in braided ponytails or french braids and not loose. But my niece (who is like the spitting image of me as a child) has hair that is just like mine, only maybe a bit silkier.

Your hair probably was curly as a child. Brushing and combing makes natural curls and waves become frizzy, especially if you manipulate the hair once it's dry. Whoever did your hair as a child was probably combing out your natural curls and making them frizzy.
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Judging from pictures and my mom's description, I think it's about the same.

She said my hair used to "bead up" , and shrink whenver it came into any contact with water. And that sounds pretty accurate now, except I prefer to call them "coils' not beads :lachen:. Other than that, from pictres I see, she combed and brushed any texture that I did have out of my hair.
I think my hair is pretty much the same. Thick as ever and curly if handled a certain way. If I want to keep my curls....I can not comb it too too much when it is dry. If I do...they become waves and not curls....with some frizz in there. My curls also seem to relax as my hair gains length. Maybe the weight of the hair pulls the curl down some...who knows. I just know...I like my natural hair...even tho it is a hassle to style sometimes. LOL
i dont know, all i remember is wearing pigtails and plaits and things of that nature. i have a few pics that i have seen where i have curls but they look looser. i guess my mom is the person to ask.
I'm not newly natural, but I believe my hair texture is the same as it was as a child. It's hard to know for sure b/c my mom always kept my hair in braided ponytails or french braids and not loose. But my niece (who is like the spitting image of me as a child) has hair that is just like mine, only maybe a bit silkier.

Ditto, to the bolded.

My hair was THICK as a child and its THICK now. But I wish I could get that legnth back!! My texture did change while I was relaxed. Meaning I started out using Super (for many years) and had to go to Regular because the super got to strong, my hair thinned out. But now that im natural, its back to normal.
I can't remember...I do know my mom says my hair was always very soft and manageable. She KEPT my hair in braids...right up until my first relaxer.
I think my hair is exactly the same. I think my edges are a different texture though. This could be due to the fact that during my relaxed days my edges did not grow for awhile. My mom used to use grease and water in my hair it looks the same as my wash&go.
I specifically remember looking in the mirror one day when my mom had just finished washing my hair and just LOVING it. I asked her if I could wear it like that and she just laughed and got out the hot comb :spinning: It was very curly as it is now, long, and huge. I hope to get there again some day!
I also am not a newly natural. Been natural for a very long time, and I think my hair changes every 6 to 8 years. The changes are usually subtle, and not a big deal. I just vary my products as the need arises.
My Mom seems to believe that my texture has "changed" as well.
But I don't really know that. My Mom's regimen...and my own regimen is NOT the same. She used grease (she would call that her "moisturizer"), she used to hot comb, use blow dryers on a norm with every wash, NO deep conditionings, etc.

Immediately after getting hair washed/conditioned...I would sit on the floor in between her legs while she starts to detangle (no added product from what I can remember). NOw that I think about it--it seemed so much of a chore for her (and me)! She usually used a comb with regular spaced teeth (not a wide tooth comb). By the time she's done--my hair is a frizzy mass of hair. She'd then get to blow drying with comb attachment. From there...she'll put my ponytails in or cornrows, etc.

But after all of that--I'd imagine the texture might not be the same.

With better hair is happy.
I NEVER knew my hair could coil--like it does now. When I went natural...I wondered who's hair was on my head??? Because it definitely didn't look like MINE--or at least...not from what I remembered.
Im newly natural but looking at my pics my texture is not any different than when i was younger comparing the pictures of my hair then and now also from what my aunt n mother tell me..
My mom never let me have my hair down as a kid so I really don't know. She would wash it every few months (gross!) and use Vaseline on it to keep it shiny and "moisturized." I would imagine my head smelled like butt :lachen:

I remember my hair being really BIG, poofy and frizzy after she would wash it. Now that I think about it she must've washed and waited a while before combing. My hair sucks up water like crazy. I would always have my hair was either in 1 or 2 buns, pigtails or French braids. I had huge, thick braids that reached past my shoulders so my hair must've been close to my waist.