Newly Natural that might need..another BC


Good morning huns, I have come across a mind blowing question (well, mind blowing to me) again: To BC again, or not. I suffer from spit ends and baaaad knots, and I think my breakage is the result of ignoring them and continuing to grow out my hair. Now I now how to take better care of my hair, so I will have less splits and breakage, but I gotta let the old hair go. My TWA is about at the most, 4 inches long, and I got splits throughout my head so S&D(ranging from mid shaft to the ends). wouldn't be completely effective as shaving it all off again. . I have areas that are almost bald due to my hair pulling disease, but they are filling in nicely, so i really don't care about having uneven hair length at the moment, I just want healthy hair. What do you think, LHCF? Thanks.
i forgot to mention that I have an excessive amount of SSKs. I wonder if sealing with something thick like Crisco or a heavy grease will work.
I would trim my hair to make sure it is all even, but I would not go as far as cutting it all off. Have you thought about oil rinsing or prepooing? Both of these have drastically reduced knotting and splits in my hair.
:bighug: No real advice as I am no guru, but I offer support. I am going through the same process. I bleached my hair and because I was ignorant to the ways to take care of my hair in this state, I lost the battle. Now I am having to cut and I struggle to keep my hair moisturized and free of knots. I suppose there are only two things to do: 1) cut slowly (over time) and really take of your hair in the meantime, or 2) start completely over. I don't think any of us would feel comfortable telling you to cut all of your hair off. Perhaps others would want to see pictures before they give any advice.

Whatever you do, I hope you make the right decision for you! :yep:
I would trim my hair to make sure it is all even, but I would not go as far as cutting it all off. Have you thought about oil rinsing or prepooing? Both of these have drastically reduced knotting and splits in my hair.

I second this, oil rinsing (w/castor oil) and pre-poos are my hairs best friend as a natural.
i trimmed today and a few minutes ago, i found out my breakage is nonexistent :-) im happy. let's see how long this keeps up!