Newly Natural need helps


I cut off the rest of my processed ends over the weekend. The stylist then flat ironed my hair. The next day I cowashed my hair with NTM recovery mask, brushed it through with my denman, rinsed somewhat, then finger combed Fantasia IC gel throughout. I had a head full of visual curls yesterday.

I want my hair to grow out like the pic in my Avatar. My friend suggested that I have my hair shaped a bit more. I went to Mastercuts and had it shaped a bit more. The stylist recommended Catwalk's Leave-in Moisturized to combat dryness. I went home last night and cowashed with CON conditioner and finished up with the Catwalk Leave in. My curls were GONE!!!

I woke up this morning, cowashed again, and mixed Fantasia IC Gel and the Catwalk Moisturizer throughout my hair. My curls were still GONE!!! Where did they go? How can I get them back?? I've attached a pic of my hair as it looks now. I did not take a pic of my hair yesterday morning because I was going to do that today. Please help me!! I've sensitive and self-concious right now.


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Did you brush with the Denman the other times that you did your hair? That's the only thing I see that might have caused a difference.

Otherwise - I don't know. I'm assuming that you hair is actually curly like that, and not kinky/wavy, otherwise you'll always have a bit of a struggle getting that style, if you don't have her hair, ya know?

I think your hair looks lovely as it is now - as a new nappy, it will most likely serve you best to first figure out what your hair wants/likes to do, before you try to force it into doing something that might be a struggle.

Good luck & HHG!
Did you brush with the Denman the other times that you did your hair? That's the only thing I see that might have caused a difference.

Otherwise - I don't know. I'm assuming that you hair is actually curly like that, and not kinky/wavy, otherwise you'll always have a bit of a struggle getting that style, if you don't have her hair, ya know?

I think your hair looks lovely as it is now - as a new nappy, it will most likely serve you best to first figure out what your hair wants/likes to do, before you try to force it into doing something that might be a struggle.

Good luck & HHG!

Congrats on the BC. Do you hair naturally curly like that, if not then you can't maintain the curls. You might have to do twist-outs to get that particular style. I have kinky wavy hair and I can't get that look even with wash and go's.
Congrats on your BC. The new thing might not work for your hair, seems like you had curls before you used the catwalk right. try it without the catwalk. See if you get your curls back. Plus some of us have to be careful. usualy after I get out the shower I have a head full of curls but if I wrap the towel around my head I lose a lot of them. or if my hands are moving the wrong way in terms of getting the leave-in in. I lose the curls. So I shake my hair in the shower and when I get out I add the leave in in without using a towel and usually I keep all my curls and go from there. its a pain because its dripping but I have to wait and then put a towel losely around my hair and then take it off scrunch it up put a band around it and go. I do not have the type of curls I long for but I do get to keep the curls I do have.
I'm still transitioning myself so I can't answer your question. I just wanted to say congrats on your BC.
Some of the ladies have been able to identify how curly/coily their natural hair really is by cowashing with conditioner and then recoating the hair with conditioner as a leave in. Some use Suave others use VO5 either should help you with identifying how curly or coily your natural hair really is.

If you really have curls/coils they should show up then.


I use the conditioner as a leave in to get my tiny curls to show.

I also use the Catwalk Curls Amplifier Cream, not the leave in as I have not been able to find it here.

Try brushing with the denman after you applied the Catwalk leave in and see what happens.

Congrats on your BC. :grin:
Did you use a wide toothed comb the second time? Whenever I'm going for a big hair look, I use my wide toothed comb to detangle b/c it effectively gets rid of my curls. Combing your hair could have been the culprit, try using the denman, and squeezing the water out of your hair instead of uisng a towel. HTH
Congrats on the BC! :grin:

You said the stylist shaped you up a bit more? That might have been length you needed for your curls to pop.

I have a definite curl pattern with or without product, but I find as my hair gets longer the curls become way more defined. I thought I was 4b when I BCed at 2" but now at 4" I see I have 3c curls on my head and 4a curls at my hair line and they're going ot get loopier as I get nearer the 6" mark.

Otherwise, I co-sign with all of the above posters. I hope you find what will help you! :yep:
Thanks ladies for your advice and input. I think I'll put the catwalk under the cabinet for now and try again with the Fantasia gel. Maybe it is not as bad as I thought. My co-workers think it looks nice. I know I'll have to twist my hair to get my desired style, but I just want my hair like it was yesterday for now. I'll give an update tomorrow.
Thanks ladies for your advice and input. I think I'll put the catwalk under the cabinet for now and try again with the Fantasia gel. Maybe it is not as bad as I thought. My co-workers think it looks nice. I know I'll have to twist my hair to get my desired style, but I just want my hair like it was yesterday for now. I'll give an update tomorrow.

my nearly full bottle of catwalk is under my cabinet too alwayzl8 :S - that's where it'll prolly stay until doomsday too :)

the ladies gave you some good advice and i hope you find something that works good for you!!

CONGRATS on your BC!!!!
CONGRATS on your BC!!!

I second the motion of a Cowash and a Co-leave-in. if you have curls to pop you'll see it then for sure!
Newly Natural Update

I tried again last night and this was the result.


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my nearly full bottle of catwalk is under my cabinet too alwayzl8 :S - that's where it'll prolly stay until doomsday too :)

the ladies gave you some good advice and i hope you find something that works good for you!!

CONGRATS on your BC!!!!

Thank you! I'm feeling much better today!