Newly Natural Hair Revelations


Well-Known Member
So now that I'm natural, I have had some serious hair revelations that I'd like to share. Y'all come on in and share some things you found out once you went natural.

  1. You really don't need a comb and brush everyday
  2. My crown is the longest it has been and its still growing
  3. natural hair really does grow faster or the ends are easier to retain because they aren't chemically damaged.(I've seen nearly an inch since march 27 in some places)
  4. My hair really doesn't need a ton of products to look good. leave in, castor oil, and ecostyler are my new staples.
  5. It really is easier to detangle overall once you are done transitioning and you can stop being bothered with two textures
  6. not all, but most black hair has a curl patter to it. . .we've been bamboozled into thinking that kinky was it and that kinky was bad.
  7. you wont die if you leave the house with wet hair(granted, you should probably avoid it in the dead of winter. . .just in case momma'nem was right)
  8. Oil Sheen? huh? oil in a can. . .shouldn't you leave that in the kitchen)
  9. Ecostyler. . .yes gel, yep slather it on by the fistful. being relaxed had me thinking gel was left in the 90's with the fingerwaves and pineapple updo styles
  10. daily washing is NOT only for white girls hmph!
  11. heat damage is just as bad as relaxer damage so avoid them like the plague` unless you know what you are doing
1. I look really good with curly hair.
2. I can still wear my hair straight even though I'm natural.
3. I prefer to stand out with my curly hair than to blend in with my straight hair.
4. It is not a requirement to Big Chop in order to be natural, you can keep your length.
5. I get way more questions about my natural hair than I ever did about my relaxed hair.
6. Rain does not scare me when wearing my hair curly.
- My natural hair is bigger and better than my relaxed any day. (though my relaxed was big too - lol)

- Breakage can easily be avoided with the right routine

- It may just be me, but I felt like my natural hair grow WAYYYY faster than my relaxed even did. :yep:

1. I look really good with curly hair.
2. I can still wear my hair straight even though I'm natural.
3. I prefer to stand out with my curly hair than to blend in with my straight hair.
4. It is not a requirement to Big Chop in order to be natural, you can keep your length.
5. I get way more questions about my natural hair than I ever did about my relaxed hair.
6. Rain does not scare me when wearing my hair curly.

Meeee too. I dare the rain to fall on my head now, it can only make things better.

- My natural hair is bigger and better than my relaxed any day. (though my relaxed was big too - lol)

- Breakage can easily be avoided with the right routine

- It may just be me, but I felt like my natural hair grow WAYYYY faster than my relaxed even did. :yep:

yeah, i can actually seee the growth now that I'm natural. when i was relaxed, it seemed that i stayed the same length for long stretches(until relaxer day usually)

I did the BC on 04/05/12 after 6 months of transitioning. I had not been natural since junior high.

1. The dandruff that plagued me during my relax days is no longer an issue.
2. No more balls of shed/broken hair when detangling.
3. No more figuring out which relaxer makes hair break less.
4. I can travel without packing a suitcase just for products.
5. No more money spent on caring for two textures of hair when transitioning.
6. I truly miss my long hair but I do not regret my BC.
7. I am encouraged that my hair has grown so much in only a month of being natural.
8. I been brainwashed to think that type 4 hair is not attractive but I've received more compliments from men regarding my TWA than I've ever received with a new look.
9. Last but not least - I can wash/wet my hair everyday without styling drama... PRICELESS! :grin: