Newly Natural 3c in need of advice for taking care of my hair..


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I decided to stop getting relaxers after suffering a bad chemical burn on the nape of my neck due to a hairdresser's mistake. I tried transitioning my hair for 9 months but the relaxed was just too much of a hassle to keep fighting my natural hair. It kept breaking and getting tangled badly until I asked my husband to cut the relaxed hair off. I've been using cheap products (Suave and paul mitchell off brands..) on my hair. I really would like to switch to natural products but most natural products that really work are high end.. I live in a dry climate and the past two days I noticed that my hair has dried out again. I'm multi-racial (Black, Native American and /Japanese) so I'm constantly switching products. Does anyone use all natural hair products/recipes? Any regimens out there that were very successful? I also would like to try straw setting my hair to have more uniform curls.. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful holiday! =D

You have come to the right place. How much information have you read on this site? This will help people from providing information that you already know. If you haven't already check out this thread. There is a lot of information, but it is very valuable.

Your hair may be dry because of cone buildup. You may need to use a chelating shampoo to get out the buildup. Then you need to follow up with a deep conditioner. What is your price point for products? There is Bee Mine, She Scent It, Harveda and MyHoneyChild that have reasonable prices. I like Aubrey Organics. The Honey Suckle Rose conditioner (AO HSR) is great to use as a deep conditioner. I prefer my AO HSR with rice bran oil, but other oils work, too. The cheapest place that I have found AO HSR is Atkins, NOW Vitamins, EAS, Protein Low Prices & FREE* Shipping! . You can find the AO HSR for $7 and free shipping with orders over $50. You may also want to try the AO White Camellia as a leave in conditioner.

Since you live in dry climate, you may want to invest in a steamer. If you cannot afford a steamer right now, here is a youtube video with a good alternative. I would suggest steaming 2xs a week during the winter time. Good luck. YouTube - Steam Treatment Tutorial