

New Member
Hi everyone. I just joined after lurking around for a bit. I probably am the worst when it comes to taking care of my hair, but I want to change that. The longest my hair has been was almost to my waist when I got it flat ironed years back. Since then, I've let it get tangled and knotted and ended up breaking a lot of my hair off. I use to get relaxers but decided that I will no longer get one, and it's been about 3 years since I've had one.

I started off with relaxers in 3rd grade because my mom (who's Asian) didn't know what to do with my hair and kept getting it relaxed because I thought it made my hair look better, but realized that my hair didn't need it. The top part of my hair is very thick and somewhat oily, but toward the end of my hair is dry and damaged. I'm getting the damaged part cut off Sunday. :( I think I have 2C hair, but not sure. I would like to get it to at least BSL. I just bought a bunch of products from the store and online, so I'm hoping to find a regimen that works for me. Hope to find a lot of help on this forum. You ladies have beautiful hair! :yep:

I'm a newbie as well. I have learned so much in the short time that I have been on the board. The ladies at LHCF are wonderful!