

Hello!I looked for the best place to post this and this is where I found to do so, I've seen a previous post from a new member doing this so I'll do it to. My name is Samaria and I stumbled across your website from another site, I can't quite remember the name. I've seen some of the member's pictures and too would LOVE to have my hair look and beautiful, as healthy and as LONG as you guys hair is. I've been to Ultra Black Hair website (Cathy Howe) and every since then I've been determined to get help with my hair. I'm going to try to soak up as much information. I'm happy to be a member!
One question is, what type of moisturizers do you guys use for your hair?
Hi. I'm fairly new myself. I am still trying to straighten out my login ID so that I can have a real name, but I digress. I use Wave Nouveau Finishing Lotion on my mildly-relaxed/texturized hair. There is a string of posts on here that discusses how one of the main ingredients in such moisturizing activators, glycerin, can addict the hair and cause dryness when stopped. My solution is never to stop and, therefore, never to find out. This product really works for me. My heroine is SuperGirl, the July 2003 feature of the month. She is a 4b like me, and her hair is gorgeous and near her waistline! She has been recommending Neutrogena Triple Moisture products, which I might try on the strength of her recommendation. Good luck.
That was said to me once, and I thought how Nice! I've been here since Nov. 2003 and I visit often; I've gained much knowledge and Growth since visiting and I hope your experience here will also be a good one.
Now as for moisturizers I interchange using S-Curl activator (spray) and Elasta QP Recovery. Both really good products but all in all, you have to determine which products will be good for you.
Welcome Samaria
Nice to have you here with us!! There's so much to learn and it's lot's of fun.

I usually try to get my hair moisturized while it's still wet. I like to use Carols' Daughter Hair Milk or an oil for that. I rarely use a moisturizer on dry hair because I usually only have it down one day or two days a week.
Hi Samaria,

Welcome to the board! I love ultra sheen finishing lotion as a moisturizer for my hair and I recently tried and like the QP mango butter for my ends. I put these moisturizers on my hair at night and tie my hair up. In the morning, my hair is really soft and shinny but not greasy.
Welcome ABOARD.

There is lots of good info here and enjoy.
I use Sta So Fro to keep my hair moisterized.
I use a combo of different things on different days. some days i use pantene r&n daily oil moisturizer, other days i use EVOO, other days i use "allways natural" super gro just for my ends/scalp, or i'll use frizz ease relax daily replenisher. i always use two of these a day, but i never do all four on the same day!