Newbie with Perm and Henna Question


Hello Ladies!
This is my first time posting although I have been viewing your site for quite some time. I am soooo greatful for this site. It is a gold mine of information for women of color. My hair was very thin but thanks to some of the suggestions here it is beginning to grow and thicken.
I have a quick question. My hair has not been permed since Dec 1 2006. I have become a Henna/Indigo head and proud of it :grin: courtesy of this site. Now I need to henna and perm. Is there a schedule of hennaing and perming your hair .... which should I do first and is there a recomended wait time in between either of the processes. Thanks for any help you can give me on this.
Hi LJewel,

Welcome to LHCF! I would relax first then Henna a week later. Henna coats the hair so you wouldn't want to cause underprocessing of your relaxer by hennaing prior to your relaxer.

amwcah said:
Hi LJewel,

Welcome to LHCF! I would relax first then Henna a week later. Henna coats the hair so you wouldn't want to cause underprocessing of your relaxer by hennaing prior to your relaxer.


I agree with what was said. BTW, welcome newbie!

amwcah said:
Hi LJewel,

Welcome to LHCF! I would relax first then Henna a week later. Henna coats the hair so you wouldn't want to cause underprocessing of your relaxer by hennaing prior to your relaxer.


Great advice! :yep: