Newbie With New Hair Problems


Active Member
I recently joined this forum after ducking in and out for a couple of months. I am in need of advice....experts please come forward :)
I am trying to found out how I can combat this breakage problem I seem to have suddenly acquired over the past year.
I have had the same stylist for the past 14 yrs who has taken great care of my hair. At the salon he used to work out of they relaxed hair in degrees(texlaxed), so my hair is currently 65% relaxed with a lot of body. I have medium thick fine wavy hair in its natural state with some loose curl pattern in the back. My relaxer is Motions which I have been using for 4 yrs and I use Keracare products. My hair was neck length up until 3 months ago when I got my hair cut into a graduated bob(ear length). It pained me to do this but I was loosing hair in my nape area, had thinning edges around the hairline from pulling my hair back too much,and also had breakage occuring within my hair. So I thought this style would give it a rest. My hair also has less body on the right then the left because I wrapped so often as well. Also wet wrapping with a fine tooth comb too often also sacrificed some hair as well. Then there was my massive scalp itch problemI have tried stretching relaxers before but without success because my hair will break off. So I relax my hair every 6 weeks,use a moisturizing conditioner weekly with a protein conditioner monthly. Limit heat to my Caruso rollers and the only direct heat occurs the day of my touch up at the salon. I have tried roller setting but by the 4th-5th week when new growth is sprouting it does not get straight and I find myself over manipulating my hair.Currently I wet wrap and use two large grey magentic rollers for the top. This air dries only then I give my hair a bend with the Caruso rollers and then wrap for a couple of hours until set. I now limit my wrapping to once a week(at wash time only) and maybe one other time if I have to spot curl. The rest of the time I use a silk scarf to keep my hairline smooth. However lately I see small amts of breakage in the sink and comb. So with all this lack of heat and less abuse I still can't defeat this problem.
I have had a lot of stress over the past couple of years-new baby,change in jobs, weight gain,hypothyroidism, eczema/allergies,marital difficulties, and I am on the pill as well. I tried reworking my hair regimen to go back to the basics-(previous stuff I used that worked for me that I stopped using because I thought cheaper was better). I thankfully have combated the nape hair loss, hair line problem(both areas are growing in), and got rid of the itchies, however the breakage is getting me down.
Is there any way to get my hair straight without using a flat iron(which I am trying to stay away from) or wet wrapping my hair?Or does anyone know of gentler hair utensils I could use to wet wrap my hair, or a product that can combat some of my breakage? Any help would be appreciated:)
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I would wet wrap but make sure u use a larger tooth comb to detangle and get your wrap going in the general circular direction and only use the fine tooth comb for the final smoothing. You also have to be sure that you know whether your hair is really breaking. From al lof the stress that you have described, I think that stress is the main culprit. I have heard good reviews about ORS packs for treatment as well as NTM. You also have to look at your eating habits, are you getting enough protein in your diet, do you drink enough water? Also, if you are taking medication, that could be part of the problem too.

I think that you should also try airdrying and then using the Caruso rollers to give yourself a break from the wrapping. Also alternate the direction of your wraps. Motions CPR did wonders for my breakage problem. You kind of have to try things and see what works for you.

Thanks, I will try those methods. My stress,weight and my eating habits I am in the process of slowing fixing it-I have two children and fast food has become a staple:) . Actually I used Motions CPR a few times and it did seem to help before I even had these major breakage issues so I will stop and pick up some today and give it shot again. I may also try twisting my hair and air drying it,but I will have to experiment to see if it will work with my haircut so I don't look weird:lol:
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Renaylor said:
I have two children and fast food has become a staple:) .
My hair's health has improved greatly since I've been treated for anemia and I started eating better. So here are a few suggestions.

Your diet can be relatively easy to fix if you cut out sweetened drinks and add fruits and vegetables as snack foods.

If you don't like plain water, a few drops of lemon or lime in sparkling water is like sipping a refreshing cocktail.

Baby carrots, broccoli and cauliflower florets are easy to prepare and keep on hand when you have the munchies. You could make your dip from cottage cheese by mixing herbs, lemon juice or vinegar, and even a bit of olive oil. You wouldn't have to prepare this every day - every other day or every two days would suffice. Cherries and grapes are also healthy snacks that don't require any preparation.

ETA: Topical scalp treatments can get you over the hump of stalled or uneven hair growth. A 3-month course of René Furterer serum worked wonders for me.

Take care and HTH.
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My reccommendation would to be start carrying fruit in your car. Put an apple, an orange, a small box of raisins, a banana, and peach in a bag. Make a fruit bag each day so you can stop eating the junk. Remember, evil simple starches from fast food convert into sugar, which demotes hair growth (Learned that from my PR trip).

I would stop wrapping totally. I know you won't probably do this, though.

The ladies gave great advice. Welcome to the board and Bon Chance!
I am going to try giving up wet wrapping by wet roller setting my hair and then using the caruso steam rollers to relax the curl. I will just dry wrap a couple of hours to allow the hair to take shape. For some reason I don't suffer the same breakage I do when I dry wrap(it must be that dang fine comb:lol: )
Hi Renaylor :wave:

I hope you've noticed some improvement from using the ladies' advice.

I notice you routine doesn't mention deep conditioning or leave ins?

Do you deep condition at least once a week under a heat cap in addition to your moisturizing conditioner? I think you should.

Also, what leave ins are you using?
Renaylor said:
. So I relax my hair every 6 weeks,:)

This could also be a problem, maybe your hair is overprocessed. Have you tried stretching? I also agree w/deep conditioning once a week. I used to deep condition everyonce in a while, but now I faithfully do it every week followed by a leave in and some jojoba oil. My hair is much healthier, stronger and shedding has stopped.