Newbie with an airdrying alternative question


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been asked i went back a few pages and i searched but I couldn't find a thread about airdrying alternatives. I air dryed all summer with great results but now that its colder im seeing breakage. I was just wondering what, aside from using a blowdryer and doing roller sets every week i can do. Or maybe a better way to air dry in the winter months. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe try airdrying in ponytails? This stretches out your hair so you end up with straight enough hair.

At home:

Out (tucking the ends under):
QJ- Do you have a bonnet or hooded dryer? If so you could sit under it for 15-30 minutes to speed things along. This is how I always airdry. Leave ins, twist it up in the back, put a silk scarf on and sit under the dryer on low for 30 min.
Ive been patting lightly with a towel apply leave ins and wrapping. This worked yesterday as im at home ill so was in a very warm living room.