Newbie with a question about bunning :)


New Member
Hello!!! I've been a lurker for about 2 months and decided to fully subscribe last week.:grin: I have a question about bunning. I decided to start transitioning after my daughter's first birthday in Oct.(final relaxer was Oct. 21, 2009. Two days before my daughters birthday). I want to transition for atleast a year (though I'm SO tempted to BC but I'm SO nervous) and for that year I'd like to bun as much as possible.

My question is how long do you keep a bun in? Do you take it out to moisturize everyday and then just re-bun? Or do you moisturize while it's in the bun and only take the bun down when it's wash day?

I have so many questions and it's a bit overwhelming but I'm excited to start my hair journey. :grin:

Thanks in advance
I find it difficult to sleep in a bun and my hair is just SL. I take it down every night to moisture/seal, then I lightly pin up and tie in scarf. Next morning, I moisture/seal again and finger comb back into my bun. Because my hair is short, I do a southern tease bun. As some of the ladies chime in, they will tell you what works for them. I think it may depend on your length, because I can't imagine sleeping on a APL or BSL bun. :nono: ouch.
I also pretty much follow the same routine. At night, I undo the bun; moisturize (chicoros method ) and put it in a pony tail using a scrunchie or pin it up. In the morning I access whether or not it needs more moisture , then bun it up again.
I do both, either moisturize while its still in the bun or take it down and then moisturize and put it back up. I haven't had any problems sleeping in a bun and I'm APL
I do both, either moisturize while its still in the bun or take it down and then moisturize and put it back up. I haven't had any problems sleeping in a bun and I'm APL
Hey Girl.

Welcome. I've had a personal bun/no heat challenge for the past 4 months, which in ending at the end of February

My question is how long do you keep a bun in? I personally keep my bun in until the beginning stages of it feeling dry (usually around day 3 or 4).

Do you take it out to moisturize everyday and then just re-bun? Yes. I moisturize and seal my bun twice a day (morning and night) and brush down the edges and tidy up my bun.

Or do you moisturize while it's in the bun and only take the bun down when it's wash day? I take down my bun during the night, deep condition on dry hair overnight, shampoo in the morning, airdry, and put my hair back into the bun.
I take my bun out every night and re-twist my hair, sealing my ends and wrapping my head with a satin scarf or wearing the satin bonnet. Every morning I take out my twists re-create a new bun, kinda like the one in my avatar. I couldn't sleep with pins in my hair.
Thanks for your replies. I usually take it down every night nd moisturize. I'm a stay at home mom and it's winter (in MN. Brrr! lol) so its in a silk wrap all day.