newbie with a mini rant that needs help (pics included)


New Member
hi yall i finally paid 6.50 becuz i really need help, so heres my story

ive been lurking for a long time and learned alot, i started my hhj in october 2009, i stopped all heat, learned to moisturize and deep condition often and i noticed my hair thickening up very well

these were taken in oct november*gRy*T9Dr...DVAW7FppP2V*mRxDefjZHh/100_0646.jpg?width=721

fast forward to feburary 2010 i had 3 inches of new growth, i walked into the salon to get a relaxer the lady is basing my scalp using a rat tail comb and after she parts it she combs so im thinking wat is she doing but stupid me didnt say anything​
next lady who does the relaxer already puts relaxer in my hair and then goes o ur hair is thin yr u putting relaxer when she already puts in in my hair so i ask her what i should do she didnt say anything so then she continues to to keep applying the relaxer with the rat tail comb, after shes done and i go to wash it out the wash lady shampoo and conditioners than proceeds to detangle my hair with the rat tail comb and i know i lost a lot of hair becuz she kept cleaning out the sink​
so after all this is done after i rollerset and dry the relaxer lady proceeds to wrap my hair, when she does she is realy rough i heard some of my hair snapping as shes doing this, she greases my whole scalp with grease, then greases my hair, and im sitting there confused

this is what it looked like when i came home*kD8*DBV*900bVGQIqYY/100_0889.jpg?width=572

i got a huge break spot

so now here in april 28 2010 my hair looks like

ive decided to go natural because when i stretched i from oct to feb i liked my texture and thought it was cool

anywho i want to where my hair down but its to thin, i cant really do anythng with it does anyone have any advice on what i should do and on how to fix my hair?
First of all... WELCOME!!! Second of all dang she messed up your progress. I would have been pi**ed. Well... at least you learned early in your in your journey that most stylists don't know what the heck they are doing ESPECIALLY since you are going natural. I would say to dissect this forum there are so many great transitioning threads. The first couple of months are the hardest but once you figure out a regimen and styles that work fo ryou just stick with them. DO NOT jump on every bandwagon (common rookie mistake) and have fun getting to know your hair.

You can pm me whenever you have questions :)
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Why did you sit through all that and not speak up?? Those ladies should be ashamed with what they did to your head!! There is no manic miracle to repair the damage though....keep with your HHG and stretching relaxers and your hair will bounce back. Do you have scabs or scalp soreness??
WELCOME!!!! Sorry about your mega setback. There are tons of transitioning threads for you to check out and SOOO much info here that will help you on your haircare journey.
i really wished i would of said something i didnt notice until it was to late.

my problem has always been retention, everytime i reach apl disaster strikes, im tired of it
ive been bunning for the past 2 months and im already tired of the style i just need a new style
I'm so sorry for your setback. Like everyone said there different threads about transitioning, taking care of both natural and relax hair. Also about the mental transition from being relax to natural. Don't worry your hair will bounce back.
I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I'm upset for you. On a brighter note, this forum has an enormous amount of information. You'll find a lot of answers to almost any questions you have. Don't worry. Good things fall apart so better things can fall together!
Whoa. That's all I have to say... In all my years of being here that is probably the worst salon story and pictorial I have read, u should win an award (not to make light of your situation). The pictures show kind of quality you are getting at that salon. Ripped out, shredded, thin hair. Get in here and do the research and u will get results... I hope you can learn the Do It Yourself (DIY) route, or find a sensible stylist who is focused on healthy hair growth. It's so early in your journey-- I think u need to know right now that if you choose a route, stick to it. Don't give up until u find the products that make your hair feel good and a routine that is workable for u. You will not have natural figured out overnight, I am still learning things...and I'm so glad I didn't give up.
I agree with the ladies that was a sad story. You can either get up and change your ways or revert back to that. I suggest a trim, maybe a sew I till it's evened out sometake care of your hair how ever you decided to protective style it and listen to your hair
That is so messed up! I would have been so angry. But don't worry it will grow back. All I can say is that if it were me and that happened I would have just cursed, cursed, and cursed some more. But honestly, after I left I would have just went to the barbershop and started over from scratch! That is just me and my opinion though!!
Welcome to the boar!!
The best advice, I can give is to learn from your mistake. We all have had setbacks!

What you were doing while lurking obviously worked, so don't let a stylist screw it up!
Stick to your reggie and STAY far clear from salons!

I was one of those girls, that never thought I can have my hair looking good without walking in a shop. H*ll, I thought I couldn't even grow hair without the help of someone else. Trust me when I say......You CAN do your own your research on this board and figure out what products work for you (start with virgin coconut oil).

Some ladies have great experiences with their trusted stylist, but majority DON'T. No one will treat your hair like you do! Better to be safe than sorry.
Well I have a pretty solid regimin I was with con once a week, then aphogee 2 min reconstructer then I follow up with kercare humecto in the tub, then apply HE LTR and seal witj coconut oil
It works pretty well for my new growth

I was jus wondering if I would have to cut it all off again, cuz I just cut it to neck length