Newbie w/ pics+Dilemma: Ecuador!! Help?!!!

Okay, so this post has two-purposes:

First, I'm a newbie and I'm introducing myself:grin:. I've been a lurker for a while and I've finally decided to get serious :yep:. I have a couple of pics attached below. Right now, I'm in braids (I only trust one stylist in the whole wide world to do them. she's so good, and they've really grown my hair out WITHOUT the awful side-effect of taking out my edges). But, I will be taking them out at the end of January and relaxing (i think). So far, from being a lurker I have picked up a few tips, but I'm finally going to settle into a set regimen to start. I'm a little past NL or top of SL I think. My major problem right now is fried ends. Since being on this site, I've learned that I need to lay off the heat and take care of those precious ends! My starting regimen is going to be:

WEEKLY: Prepoo w/ cheap conditioner, Shampoo w/ Keracare Hydrating, Deep Condition for 20min (Keracare Humecto or Aphogee 2min depending hair needs), Apply Keracare Leave-in and some sort of serum (any suggestions), Rollerset (i have to master these!), Saran wrap treatment

DAILY: Oil sheen and some sort of protective style in the morning. Apply Keracare Conditioning Headdress and WGO at night before wrapping.

Picture 6.jpg

Picture 2.jpg This was taken in November 08. My hair is longer now, but I have the same issue with ratty ends :sad:

Picture 3.jpg My micros.

Second, I have a dilemma. So, I'm going to Ecuador this August because I'm graduating and I'll be working there. I'll be there for approximately 2 years and I'll probably only come back to the states twice a year. I'm happy I got a job:yay:, but the next thing I realized was: OMG, what am I going to do with my hair :look:??? Perhaps there is someone down there that I can go to for a relaxer, but I'm dubious. I tried self-relaxing a couple of times.....:look:.....yeah. I was also thinking about going natural but I realize that this may not be the best option for me because I am the type that would end up straightening everyday because that's how I like it. If anybody has been there/lived there...I'm dying for suggestions! Or even if you haven't! I've already gotten some good feedback from Nefertiti21:grin:, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance and I'm sorry this was SOOO long.
Ciao bellas
Welcome and congrats on your new job!

I really don't have that much advice. Your new regimen seems fine so just pay attention to how your hair reacts and take it from there. I would suggest waiting about a week before you relax after taking out your braids so you can strengthen your hair a little bit.

About Ecuador...I don't know what to tell you. I don't think you'd want to risk having someone else relax your hair. But you have several months to practice self-relaxing. I know a lot of people practice by applying their conditioner the same way they would a relaxer and timing themselves. Since you have to DC anyway, you could try that.

The only other thing I can suggest would be wigs (unless you can do your own weaves). There are lots of great wigs that are inexpensive and stylish. You would have an array to choose from, including straight styles. I don't know if that's something you'd like to do though. Also, it may be too hot there for a wig to be comfortable. But they are great protective styles. has a lot of styles if you want to check there.

I'm sure some others will give you some good advice. Make sure you bump the thread in the morning so more people can see it. Good luck!
Take plenty of products with you bc you won't be able to buy them down there. Learn to incorporate everyday products into your maintenance (like baking soda, olive oil, etc) bc you could buy those off the shelf. Learn the Spanish translation for everything you use before you go. I would not suggest braids.
If you DO relax, stretching might be your best option. Get your touchups when you come back to the States.

Whether you relax or not, investigate Amazon and other vendors that might ship your products to you in Ecuador. Otherwise, purchase in advance and leave with a trusted family member, i.e., one who won't use up your stash or buy from vendors and ship to that same person as needed. Then that person can ship products to you.
Welcome to the board!!!

Regarding Ecuador: I would bring products with you to last a while and check things out down there. I know a couple of Ecuadorians and there are a good amount of black Ecuadorians. There are many working at Dominican salons in Queens so they know a little about hair care. You may be able to find some Domincan products over there. I don't know where in Ecua your going but most blacks live on the coast.

Between now and Aug. I would focus on getting you hair in good health and figuring out a simple and easy regimen that you can continue in Ecua. Maybe try stretching for long periods of time to see how your hair holds up.

Hope that Helps!!!!
Thanks for all the suggestions, ladies!!

Yeah, I'll definitely make sure to brush up on my spanish before I go...I took it for 5 years in middle/high school, so hopefully it won't be too hard.

I'm contemplating going natural (not just b/c of ecuador, but because i have been for a WHILE now)...I'll keep you updated.

Thanks for the welcome!!